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With the vast majority of people surrounded by computers and the internet, either at home or work, sometimes tracking your life can be more convenient when it’s done online. Whether you’re calorie counting, tracking your weight or devising a new exercise plan, there are a number of free online tools that can help you to achieve success. If you’re considering starting a new exercise regime or eating plan, be sure to check out these great online tools for some handy hints and great tracking techniques.

Online Tools For Tracking Your Health

Calorie Burn Calculator

The Calorie Burn Calculator can help you to determine how many calories your everyday activities will burn. You may be surprised but simply daily tasks, such as brushing your teeth and carrying an infant, all burn calories. While the Calorie Burn Calculator helps to track your everyday life, you can also add just about any activity, including the difficulty level and duration of the exercise. If you’re an avid cyclist, for instance, you can enter cycling for leisure, fast-paced riding, and even mountain biking, to determine how many calories you have burned.

If you haven’t yet discovered the benefits of cycling, it’s time to see what all the fuss is about. With various mountain bikes for sale, you can easily find a style that suits your skill level and your budget. One of the best things about cycling is that you can ride in just about any environment. Get the most out of your exercise routine and bring the fun back to your weekends, by leisure cycling along pristine coastlines or breathtaking mountain ranges.

Diet & Weight Loss Trackers

What seems like a limitless number of diet and weight loss trackers are now available on the internet. When beginning a new health kick, most people will record their starting weight to enable them to keep track of their progress. A diet and weight loss journal or tracker is a great way to regulate your eating and exercise habits. Tracking what you eat will enable you to see what foods make you gain weight and which foods help you to lose weight. An activity log can also help by allowing you to record your daily or weekly exercise routine.

While it’s sometimes easy to slip away from your dieting plan and enjoy an unhealthy snack or two, recording your results often helps people to be more honest with themselves, about what they are actually consuming. Understanding why you are gaining weight or developing an unhealthy lifestyle is the first step in changing your future.

Free online tools are a great way to gain extra motivation and encouragement for your diet plan. If you’ve tried dieting in the past but have failed miserably (haven’t we all!) then why not enlist the help of professionally designed programs online?

The heart can be considered to be the engine that keeps the blood moving through all the veins in the human body. In order for heart muscles to pump legitimately, it should be sustained by different coronary veins. Any malady or blockage of the veins can deny the heart muscle with the fundamental oxygen and blood it needs for operating in a full and legitimate capacity.

A heart attack that is medicinally reputed to be extremely difficult for the body, is the unhindered localized death of a zone of the heart muscles created by the obstruction of a coronary vessel. This hindrance of blood moving through one of the extensions of the coronary course is regularly brought about by a burst of a medical condition called the atherosclerotic plaque. Bloodstream may be so extremely contracted, or completely blocked that a segment of the heart muscles ceases to exist. Although it is difficult, there do exist some treatments for heart failure.

What Is heart failure?

The most average side effect of a heart attack is torment or pain in the midsection which is known as angina pectoris that may transmit to the left arm, neck, and jaw. Different side effects might incorporate the shortness of breath, dizziness, high temperature in the midsection, or lack of awareness. Heart failure happens due to insufficient blood flow for a long time to a certain portion of heart due to which the muscles of that part get damaged or dies. This situation is known as myocardial infarction in medical terminology. There are many treatments which are famous for heart failure aiming to improve its functioning and relieving the patient from frequent and severe heart failure. Some of the surgeries for heart failure are listed below.

Bypass surgery: This is one of the most used and known surgical treatment for heart and used in case where the artery is blocked and it must be cleared for the smooth flow of blood to the heart.

Left ventricular assist device: This surgery helps your heart to provide the blood throughout the body as per its natural smooth flow.

Heart valve surgery: In case where the valves of the heart are damaged, this treatment makes the valves in previous situations as naturally they should be and help the blood flow to run smoothly. In case of heart failure due to valve problems, blood flow may get disrupted which is taken care in this surgery.

Enhanced External Counterpulsation Therapy: Basically this is a treatment for chronic heart pain which happens due to disturbed blood flow towards the heart. In this therapy, cuffs are fitted to the outer body which functions in accordance with the heart rhythm and makes the blood flow regularly.

Heart transplant: This surgery is opted in such situation where due to heart failure the damaged heart does not respond to any therapy or treatment at all and need to be replaced.

These are the most well-known treatments for heart failure across the world and are recommended and adopted by expert doctors as per the condition of the patients.

Essential oils are used as home remedies for a variety of ailments. But is using essential oils an effective way to relieve headaches, and, if so, which essential oils are best?

An essential oil is a concentrated liquid extracted from a plant. Aromatherapy is an alternative therapy based on the use of these oils. Aromatherapists believe that each essential oil offers a different set of health benefits.

Research supports the health benefits of certain essential oils, while other claims are based on tradition. This article explores five of the best essential oils for treating headaches, as supported by scientific evidence.


Stressed man at desk pinching the bridge of his nose because he has a headache.
Many people with frequent headaches choose to seek out alternative treatments such as essential oils.

It is estimated that more than half of the adult population worldwide experiences occasional headaches, with the most common type being a tension headache.

While there are a number of over-the-counter and prescription medications available for headaches, these treatments can cause side effects.

When someone experiences headaches regularly, they may look for natural treatments, including essential oils.

Which essential oils help headaches?

There are a number of studies that show specific essential oils may be beneficial for headaches. These include:

1. Lavender oil

Lavender is often used to help people get to sleep and to reduce stress, anxiety, or depression.

Many believe that it can help relieve headaches and migraines that are triggered by stress.

A 2012 study suggests that the inhalation of lavender essential oil can be a safe and effective treatment to manage migraine headaches.

2. Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil is traditionally used to treat headaches and improve circulation.

There are few studies that specifically support rosemary oil as an effective headache treatment. However, a 2008 study suggests that rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties.

Another study from 2013 found that rosemary oil helped to reduce pain and insomnia in people going through opium withdrawal treatment.

These research examples suggest that rosemary oil may reduce the pain associated with a headache. However, more studies on humans are required before this can be confirmed.

3. Peppermint oil

Bottle of essential oil surrounded by peppermint leaves and flowers.
Peppermint oil is stimulating and may relieve tension headaches when applied topically.

Peppermint has been used in alternative medicines for thousands of years. It is one of the most popular essential oils for treating headaches.

A recent 2015 review of published studies on essential oils states that applying peppermint oil to the temples and forehead provides relief from tension headaches.

The active ingredient in peppermint oil is menthol. Research published in 2015 shows menthol may be effective in treating migraines when applied to the head as a gel.

4. Chamomile oil

People traditionally drink chamomile tea to relax and unwind. Chamomile oil is commonly believed to have a similar effect.

Research from 2012 showed that chamomile oil might improve some of the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

As headaches are often caused by stress and anxiety, it follows that chamomile oil may help treat headaches.

There are anti-inflammatory properties in chamomile that may also reduce a headache, but more research is needed into its health benefits.

5. Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus is traditionally used to clear sinuses and reduce inflammation. People experiencing headaches due to blocked sinuses may find that inhaling eucalyptus reduces their symptoms.

One study found that eucalyptus oil was effective for relieving pain and lowering blood pressure when it was inhaled.

How to use essential oils for headaches

There are a number of different ways that you can use essential oils to treat a headache. These include:

  • Applying oil to the temples or forehead: Essential oils need to be diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil before they can be applied to the skin. Once diluted, the oil can be massaged into the temples and across the forehead.
  • Inhaling oil: Essential oils can be inhaled by adding a few drops to a tissue, holding the tissue under the nose and breathing deeply.
  • Using a compress: Create a compress by soaking a towel in cold water with a few drops of essential oil. The compress can be applied to the forehead or neck.
  • Adding oil to the bath: Adding a few drops of essential oil to a hot bath can be a relaxing way to treat a headache.

Risks and considerations

As with many alternative remedies, essential oils are not regulated by the U.S. Food & Drug Association (FDA), so it is important to buy a reputable brand.

Essential oils are generally safe when used properly. It is important to dilute them with a carrier oil before applying them directly to the skin. They may cause skin irritation if used undiluted.

Some people are allergic to essential oils even when diluted, so it may be helpful to put a small amount on a patch of skin first to test for an allergic reaction. If there is no reaction within 48 hours, then the oil is safe to use.

If a person has any existing health conditions, it is a good idea to speak with a doctor before using essential oils.

Can the contents of your kitchen seriously save your life? A growing body of research suggests that what you eat and drink can protect your body against myriad health woe. Studies have also shown that up to 70 percent of heart disease cases are preventable with the right food choices.

“What’s good for your heart is good for your brain and good for you in general,” says Arthur Agatston, MD, a renowned cardiologist and founder of the South Beach Diet.

There is just one little trick to turning your kitchen into a hub for heart health: Don’t stick to the same few foods. The secret is by varying the types of fish, vegetables, whole grains and other items you enjoy every day. With that in mind, we’ve compiled the world’s top foods for your heart—mix and match a handful of them every week to eat your way toward a healthier you.


This is a great source of Vitamin C, calcium and iron, which helps to reduce high blood pressure. Eat the skin, too, which is full of heart-healthy nutrients.

Wild salmon (not farmed)

Broiled, grilled or baked, this tasty, fleshy fish is replete with omega-3 fatty acids that improve the metabolic markers for heart disease. It also has a rich level of selenium, an antioxidant that studies have shown boosts cardiovascular protection. (Of course, not all salmon is created equal: Find out what the ‘Invasion of The Frankenfish’ means for your health.)


These spiny little creatures are also loaded with omega-3s in the form of fish oil, which increases “good” cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of sudden heart attacks in people who have experienced previous attacks, according to the Mayo Clinic. Stick to fresh ones to avoid the canned variety’s high salt content.


Liver contains fats that are good for the heart, says William Davis, MD, a Wisconsin-based preventive cardiologist and author of ‘Wheat Belly’. “That’s the way humans are scripted,” he says. “Primitive humans ate the entire animal. Livers contain a lot of fats and that’s healthy.”


The highly publicised benefits of eating your oatmeal have long shown it’s a wonder meal for reducing cholesterol. But eat only the plain, non-processed kind. Instant and flavoured oats are often drenched in processed sugar.


Caffeine junkies rejoice. According to Dr Agatston, studies have shown that coffee is high in antioxidants and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Up to three cups a day also increases cognition levels and helps decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, Agatston says. (That’s not the only thing a cup of java can do. We’ve got four more coffee cures that will convince you to drink up.)

Red wine

Back to the importance of resveratrol, a compound with antioxidant properties, which can also help prevent cancer. According to a recent study from the UK’s University of Leicester, resveratrol is found in dark-skinned berries and grapes. Madirans and Cabernets typically contain large amounts of procyanidins, an antioxidant that helps to reduce cholesterol and increases arterial health.

Healthy food means to eat clean and organic while keeping you away from the chemical and sugar rich foods. However, without even realizing their presence, our diet includes a major portion of artificial food content and high calories that claims to be significantly low. Such foods forms acids in the body and they are required to be eliminated as soon as possible. The foods creating inflammation disturb the hormonal balance in the body, congest the liver, and higher the blood sugar levels, as result, it nullify the efforts of restoring the good health.

Foods You Should Avoid While Losing Weight:-

Low Fat Ice Creams

Even when your ice creams are low on calories and loaded with the fruits, there are still lots of sugar content and harmful trans fat hidden inside the cup that makes you gain weight. Moreover, the artificial colours and flavours are nothing to do with your than worsening the situations. Instead, make your own ice cream at home with the natural fruit flavours less of harsh chemicals.

Thin Crust Veggies Loaded Pizza

People used to think that not all pizzas are bad for your health, however, even the thin crust slices are loaded with cheese that contains saturated fats and processed so heavily to make you gain those extra pounds easily. Go for homemade whole wheat crust, healthy sauce, superfoods pizza along with the right cheeses.

Zero Calories Drinks

All that fizz drinks claiming zero calories in the cans are the way to distract you from eating healthy. It is extremely acidic, hence; it takes more than 30 cups of water to neutralize the acidity of a single can. Such residues are hard on the body and make an evil impact on your kidneys.

French Fries

The trans fat and acrylamide present in the food cause inflammation in your body. It is also a greater cause of many other serious problems in the body including heart diseases, weight gain, cancer, etc. Try out finding how to cook them to maximize the nutrients and eliminate the formation of acrylamide.

Potato Chips

When the white potatoes are deeply fried it produces the highest level of toxic acrylamide which is the main reason of accumulation of the fat. As they are loaded with the healthy herbs, it doesn’t mean it will save some calories for you. Instead, try indulging in the crispy sweet potato chips and you will not miss the original chips for sure.

To be healthy, one must eat a wide variety of vitamin-rich foods. But with the growing number of people consuming fast food today, most would probably prefer it over homemade food which is a much better healthier choice. This daily consumption of fast food and junk food is so bad that it is putting the health of many people at risk. In order to prevent serious health problems and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should consume foods that are rich in antioxidant vitamins and minerals.

Eating a variety of antioxidant vitamins and mineral enriched foods can contribute to improving your quality of health for many years to come.

Now, here is a list of some superfoods that can help you achieve better health:

1. Berries
All kinds of berries are rich in fiber that can help promote weight loss. Raspberries contain ellagic acid which has a compound that prevents cancer.

2. Avocado
Avocados provide Vitamins A, B, C, E and K that are several important antioxidants along with glutathione.

3. Beans
It is a source of iron that transports oxygen from the lungs to all the cells in your body.

4. Bananas
It is a highly alkalining nutritious superfood that contains the best sources of potassium which help in maintaining heart function and normal blood pressure.

5. Salmon
Superfoods are not only categorized as fruits and vegetables. This kind of fish contains Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. It is anti-inflammatory and can alleviate joint pain and reduce the risk of heart disease.

6. Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the healthiest leafy green vegetables which is rich in vitamins A, C and folic acid. It also has sulforaphane that is considered a cancer-fighting agent.

7. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are high in alpha and beta carotenoids which are converted into an active usable form of Vitamin A by your body. These compounds can help keep your eyes, bones, and immune system healthy.

8. Cacao (Should be more than 60% Dark Chocolate) 
Cacao is high in essential minerals that most people do not get in their diet. It has magnesium which is used in more than 275 biochemical reactions in the body. Cacao also contains manganese, zinc and iron.

Try to consume at least three to four servings daily of a variety of superfoods (even more is better) for optimal health.

Achieving better health is not only about the foods you consume. You must also include proper exercise that can help you become physically fit.

Chocolate lovers, rejoice; the sweet treat is not only delicious, but studies show that it can also promote friendly bacteria and reduce inflammation in our guts.

First, some background: trillions of bacteria live in our guts. They contribute to our immune system, metabolism, and many other processes essential to human health.

When the delicate balance of microbes in our intestines is disturbed, it can have serious consequences.

Irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, allergies, asthma, and cancer have all been linked to abnormal gut microbiomes.

A healthful diet supports bacterial diversity and health, but could chocolate be an integral part of this?

Benefits of cocoa

Cocoa is the dry, non-fatty component prepared from the seeds of the Theobroma cacao tree and the ingredient that gives chocolate its characteristic taste.

Many health benefits have been attributed to cocoa and its potent antioxidant functions. These include lowering cholesterol, slowing down cognitive decline, and keeping the heart healthy.

Cocoa metabolism is partly dependent on the bacteria that live in our intestines.

Our bodies are only able to absorb some of the nutrients in chocolate. As such, we need our tiny microbial passengers to break complex molecules into smaller components, which we would not be able to take into our bodies otherwise.

This allows us to make full use of the many health-promoting molecules in cocoa. It doesn’t stop there, however. The gut microbes also benefit from this relationship, which, in turn, has an even greater effect on our health.

Gut health and inflammation

Several studies show that the consumption of cocoa increases the levels of so-called friendly bacteria in the gut.

Researchers from the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom measured higher levels of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species in the intestines of human volunteers who drank high-cocoa chocolate milk for 4 weeks.

The same team previously showed that components in cocoa can reduce the growth of Clostridium histolyticum bacteria, which are present in the guts of individuals with inflammatory bowel disease.

In pigs, higher levels of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species were also found in the colon in response to a high-cocoa diet. Interestingly, the expression of known inflammatory markers was reduced.

Friendly bacteria including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium have, in fact, been implicated in actively promoting anti-inflammatory processes in our intestines, keeping our gut healthy.

Chocolate as part of a healthful diet

Despite the fact that these scientific studies support the claim that cocoa can be beneficial for our gut microbiomes, cocoa does not equal chocolate.

The cocoa extracts used in research do not contain the high levels of sugar and fat found in our everyday chocolate bars.

Unsweetened cocoa powder or high-cocoa content dark chocolate are the closest alternatives to the cocoa used in these studies. Consumed in moderation, chocolate may therefore promote friendly bacteria, and, by extension, a healthy gut, keeping inflammation at bay.

Pineapple, a delicious tropical fruit, has been celebrated for centuries not only for its unique taste but also for its miraculous health benefits. The health and medicinal benefits of pineapple include improving the immune system, respiratory health and digestion, strengthening bones, reducing inflammation, curing coughs and colds, and weight loss.

Aside from the interesting story and appearance of this fruit, it is also a storehouse of huge health benefits due to its wealth of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, including potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, beta carotene,  thiamin, B6, and folate, as well as soluble and insoluble fiber, and bromelain.

A pineapple fruit is known to offer a lot of benefits, which include a stronger immune system, weight loss, improved respiratory health and strengthened bones, among others. Let us discuss each benefit in detail;

Treats arthritis

Boosts immunity

A single serving of pineapple has more than 130 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C for human beings, making it one of the richest and most delicious sources of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps in reducing illnesses and boosting the immune system by stimulating the activity of white blood cells and acting as an antioxidant to defend against the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous by products of cellular metabolism that can damage various organ systems and disrupt function, as well as cause healthy cells to mutate into cancerous ones. The vitamin C content of pineapples defends against this.

Improves cellular health

One of the commonly overlooked benefits of vitamin C is its essential role in creating collagen. This is partly the reason why it is seen as a healing vitamin because collagen is the essential protein base of blood vessel walls, skin, organs, and bones. High vitamin C content in pineapple helps you heal wounds and injuries quickly, along with defending your body against infections and illnesses.

Prevents cancer

Pineapple has been directly related to preventing cancers of the mouth, throat, and breast, as it is rich in various other antioxidants, including vitamin A, beta carotene, bromelain, various flavonoid compounds, and high levels of manganese. Manganese is an important cofactor of superoxide dismutase, an extremely potent free radical scavenger that has been associated with a number of different cancers.

Treats cough and cold

The normal immune system boosting power of vitamin C is well known, but that special enzyme, bromelain, is also connected with the reduction of phlegm and mucus build up in the respiratory tracts and sinus cavities. Pineapples, rich in bromelain and vitamin C, therefore prevent and treat respiratory illnesses, and eliminate phlegm and mucus from your body if you’ve already contracted an illness or infection.

Improves vision

Vision is one of the most important senses for human beings and pineapples have been directly connected to improving eye health and preventing the age-related eye deficiencies that often occur. Macular degeneration affects many elderly people, and beta carotene can help delay this vision problem. Keeping proper amounts of beta-carotene in your diet from fruits and vegetables is essential in maintaining good eyesight as you age.

A sore throat can be very uncomfortable.

The main symptom is pain and irritation in the throat, especially when you swallow.

A sore throat occurs as part of your body’s immune response to viral or bacterial infections.

Your natural immune response leads to inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes in the throat.

Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that may provide relief, including some that are supported by scientific evidence.

Here are 11 natural sore throat remedies.

1. Marshmallow root

The marshmallow plant has been used to treat sore throats and other conditions since the Middle Ages.

Its root contains a gelatin-like substance known as mucilage, which coats and lubricates the throat when you swallow it.

Lozenges containing marshmallow root have been tested in animals and found to be effective and nontoxic, even at very high doses.

Here is a recipe for a cold marshmallow root infusion to soothe a painful throat:

Marshmallow root infusion


  • Cold water.
  • 1 ounce (28 grams) dried marshmallow root.


  1. Fill a 1-quart (1-liter) jar with cold water.
  2. Place the marshmallow root in cheesecloth and tie up in a bundle.
  3. Lower the bundle into the water just until it’s completely submerged in the water.
  4. Place the tied end of the bundle over the lip of the jar, place the lid on the jar and screw on the lid.
  5. Infuse overnight, or for at least eight hours, and then remove the bundle.
  6. Pour desired amount into a glass. Add sweetener of choice, if desired.

When this is ready, you can sip on it throughout the day to help reduce your symptoms.

Bottom line: Marshmallow has been used to treat sore throats since ancient times. Its root contains a gelatinous substance called mucilage, which coats and soothes the throat.


2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural health tonic that’s been used in folk medicine remedies for centuries. Its main active ingredient, acetic acid, helps fight bacteria.

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, even prescribed a combination of apple cider vinegar and honey – known as oxymel – to treat flu symptoms such as coughs and sore throats.

To help relieve throat pain, drink 1 cup of warm water mixed with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and an optional tablespoon of honey.

Bottom line: Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties and may help provide sore throat relief when consumed in small amounts with warm water.

3. Salt water gargle

Gargling with salt water is a well-known natural remedy to get rid of a sore throat.

The salt helps reduce swelling by pulling water out of your throat tissue. It may also help kill unwanted microbes in your throat.

Combine 1 cup of warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt and stir to dissolve. Gargle with a mouthful of this mixture for 30 seconds, once per hour.

Bottom line: Gargling hourly with warm salt water helps reduce swelling and may ease throat discomfort.

4. Honey

Honey is a delicious sweetener that is often used in combination with other natural ingredients to soothe a sore throat.

In addition to helping fight infection and providing pain relief, honey can undeniably make remedies taste better.

Honey may be especially effective when combined with warm water and apple cider vinegar or herbs.

However, it shouldn’t be given to children under the age of one because their guts haven’t had a chance to acquire healthy bacteria that can fight off germs, such as botulism spores, that are sometimes found in honey.

Also, people who avoid sugar or follow a low-carb diet may want to choose another remedy, since honey is a form of sugar and contains 17 grams of carbs per tablespoon (15 ml).

Bottom line: Honey can help relieve throat pain, particularly when combined with vinegar or herbs in warm water.

5. Licorice root

Licorice root with mortar and pestle

Licorice is a plant native to Europe and South Asia.

Interestingly, it has been used in traditional medicine to treat many disorders.

Licorice has properties similar to aspirin that may help reduce sore throat pain.

Unfortunately, there isn’t any research on its ability to relieve illness-related sore throats.

However, studies on individuals who had just undergone major surgery found that licorice significantly reduced throat pain due to breathing tube removal.

One study found that gargling with licorice water prior to surgery reduced the risk of getting a sore throat by 50%, compared to gargling with sugar water.

Licorice root tea can be purchased at natural grocery stores or from online retailers.

You can also make your own to drink or gargle. Combine ground licorice root with hot water, let it steep for five minutes, then strain it prior to drinking.

Bottom line: Licorice root has aspirin-like qualities and may help soothe a sore throat when gargled or consumed as a tea.

6. Lemon water

Lemon water is a refreshing beverage that may also reduce the throat pain that occurs during a cold or the flu.

Lemon contains vitamin C and antioxidants. It also increases the amount of saliva you produce, which can help keep your mucous membranes moist.

Combining lemon with warm water and a bit of honey or salt water may be the best way to maximize its benefits.

Bottom line: Lemon water contains vitamin C and compounds that can soothe a sore throat and assist with healing.

7. Ginger root tea

Ginger is a spice with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that may help relieve throat pain.

One study found that when ginger extract was applied to throat swabs from people with bacterial respiratory tract infections, it helped kill some of the bacteria responsible for the illness.

Ginger tea can be purchased from most markets or online retailers. You can also make your own from fresh ginger.

Ginger root tea


  • Fresh ginger root.
  • 1 liter water.
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) honey or sweetener of choice.
  • A squeeze of lemon juice.


  1. Peel ginger root and grate into a small bowl.
  2. Boil water in a large saucepan, then remove from heat.
  3. Place 1 tablespoon (15 ml) grated ginger into the saucepan and cover with lid.
  4. Let steep for 10 minutes.
  5. Add sweetener and lemon juice, then stir to combine.

This tea can be reheated as needed, or served cold.

Bottom line: Ginger root tea may help fight infection, reduce inflammation and relieve sore throat pain.

8. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a versatile food with several health benefits.

Animal studies suggest that it may help fight infection, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Coconut oil is also very soothing because it helps lubricate the mucous membranes in the throat.

Here are a few ideas you can try:

  • Add a spoonful to hot tea or hot cocoa.
  • Add a spoonful to soup.
  • Simply put a spoonful in your mouth and allow it to melt down your throat.

It’s best to limit coconut oil to about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) per day, as it can have a laxative effect at higher dosages. If you’ve never tried coconut oil, start out taking 1 teaspoon (5 ml) at a time to minimize potential side effects.

Bottom line: Coconut oil is very soothing on the throat, has anti-inflammatory effects and may help your body fight infection. Take up to 2 tablespoons (30 ml) per day alone or in warm beverages.


9. Plenty of fluids

When your throat hurts, the last thing you may feel like doing is drinking a lot of fluids.

However, it’s important to keep your throat’s mucous membranes hydrated so they can heal.

While swallowing may be uncomfortable, drinking plenty of water or other fluids will ultimately make your throat feel better.

Drink tea, herbal infusions, water or other beverages at whatever temperature feels most comfortable.

Bottom line: Consuming adequate fluid ensures that you stay well hydrated and allows your throat to remain moist so it can heal.


10. Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea contains anti-inflammatory compounds and is extremely soothing to the throat. The mint may also slightly numb your throat, thereby relieving pain.

There are many peppermint herbal teas on the market.

You can also make your own by steeping fresh peppermint leaves in boiling water for three to five minutes, then straining off the leaves.

Peppermint tea is caffeine-free and its naturally sweet taste often requires no additional sweetener.

Bottom line: Peppermint tea is a tasty, refreshing beverage that may help reduce inflammation and throat discomfort.

11. Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a daisy-like plant that has been used for medicinal purposes since the Middle Ages.

You may be most familiar with it in the form of tea.

Chamomile tea is believed to promote restful sleep, which is important for healing.

Studies have found that chamomile may help fight infection and reduce pain.

Chamomile tea is widely available at grocery stores and online. It has a pleasant, mild aroma and flavour. Like other herbal teas, chamomile contains no caffeine.

Bottom line: Chamomile tea promotes restorative sleep, helps fight infection and soothes sore throat pain.



Take home message

No matter how healthy you are, you’re likely to get a sore throat occasionally.

Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to soothe a sore throat and encourage healing.

However, make sure you see a doctor if your sore throat lasts more than a few days or is extremely painful.

Severe or persistent pain may indicate strep throat, tonsillitis or another serious infection that requires medical treatment.

The health benefits of watermelon include the prevention of kidney disorders, high blood pressure, the prevention of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, heat stroke, macular degeneration and impotence.

The question is, why is there so much craze for the watermelon? At first glance, it may seem like nothing more than a big ball of water.  We all know that there is nothing more refreshing than a big, chilled wedge of watermelon on a hot, summer day and it does sport a stylish scientific name of Citrullus Lanatus, but what’s the real reason so many people flock to grocery stores every summer to buy a big, awkward fruit like this one? Well, it is hard to narrow it down to a single reason; there are actually a lot of them.

What Is Watermelon?

Watermelons are considered a vine-like flowering plant that is actually native to Southern Africa, and it is there that the wild varieties are in the greatest abundance, ranging from super sweet to bitter, and varying in size as well. They moved north to Egypt, and were cultivated in the Nile River Valley, and eventually moved east into China, roughly 1,000 years ago. Now, watermelon is grown around the world, and in 44 of the 50 states in America. It is specifically selected to grow larger and juicier, resulting in the huge fruits that many of us are familiar with. The green outer rind is hard and fleshy, and rarely eaten, while the interior is soft, red or pink flesh containing the many seeds; this is the part of watermelon which is typically eaten.

As for accessing the total medicinal benefits of watermelons, it is highly dependent on the variety of watermelon and the ripeness. Beta-carotene and lycopene is usually bio-available in the highest quantities once the watermelon is completely ripe, and don’t be afraid to eat some of the watermelon rinds; there are quite a few nutrients in there as well, particularly the roughage and fiber.

Nutritional Value Of Watermelon

The long list of healthy or beneficial effects of watermelons are mainly derived from its unique nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds. These include significant amounts of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, fiber, protein, and a very large amount of potassium. Furthermore, they contain vitamin A, vitamin B6, niacin, thiamin, and a wide variety of carotenoids and phytonutrients, including lycopene!

These components of watermelons contribute to its major impact on health; let’s explore some more details of those benefits below.

Health Benefits Of Watermelon

Health benefits of watermelon include:

Treats Kidney Disorders

Watermelons contain a lot of potassium, which is very helpful in cleaning or washing out the toxic depositions in the kidney. Moreover, it is helpful in reducing the concentration of uric acid in the blood, thereby reducing the chances of kidney damage and the formation of renal calculi in that organ. In addition to this, being high in water content, it induces frequent urinating, which is again helpful for cleaning of the kidneys. Also, the antioxidants present in watermelon ensure good health of the kidneys for a long time and reduce signs of premature ageing like wrinkles and age spots on the skin.

Prevents Heat Stroke

Watermelon is effective in reducing both your body temperature and blood pressure. Many people in tropical regions eat this fruit every day in the afternoon during the summer to protect themselves from heat stroke. In India, you will find the fruit being sold by vendors on almost every street during the summer season. The high amount of water contained in watermelon also stimulates a release of excess liquid in the form of sweat, which cools your body further during hot summer days.

Regulates Blood Pressure

The good amount of potassium and magnesium that is present in watermelons is very beneficial in terms of bringing down blood pressure. Potassium is considered a vasodilator, meaning that it releases the tension of blood vessels and arteries, thereby stimulating increased blood flow and reducing the stress on the cardiovascular system. The carotenoids present in these fruits also prevent hardening of artery walls and veins, thereby helping to reduce blood pressure and the chances of blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and atherosclerosis.

Prevents Cancer

Watermelons have been in the public eye more and more in recent years, primarily because of their impressive level of lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient compound that is increasingly being linked to cancer prevention. As the years go by and the studies continue to bring in consistent results, lycopene has been shown to significantly reduce the risks of prostate, breast, colon, lung, and endometrial cancer. All in all, between the antioxidant potential of vitamin C and the impact of lycopene, watermelon is a great anti-cancer fruit!

Controls Diabetes

Diabetic patients, who are supposed to have a low energy and low sugar diet, often complain about starving since they don’t get to eat their staple diets, which gives them the feeling of being half fed. Watermelons can be a good supplement for them. In spite of being sweet in taste, a thick wedge will give you very few calories, since ninety-nine percent of its total weight is composed of water and roughage. Moreover, the various vitamins and minerals such as potassium and magnesium help in proper functioning of insulin in the body, thus lowering the blood sugar level. Arginine, another component found in watermelons, is very effective at enhancing the impact of insulin on blood sugar. Diabetic patients can also have curries, steaks, and salads made from watermelon rinds, which are even lower in sugar.

Heart Care

Lypocene, a carotenoid found in abundance in watermelon, improves cardiac functions. Beta-carotene, known for its remarkable antioxidant and anti-ageing properties, also keeps you young at heart and prevents age-related cardiac problems. The roughage in watermelon and its very low energy, along with help from vitamin-C, carotenoids and potassium (potassium cuts the risk of a heart attack), helps to reduce cholesterol and keep your heart safe from a variety of dangerous conditions.

Macular Degeneration

Don’t worry about eye health and macular degeneration if you eat plenty of watermelons, because, between the beta-carotene, vitamin-C, lutein, and zeaxanthin, your eyes are well protected. They will ensure the protection of your eyes from age-related blindness and degeneration, and these antioxidants will protect your eyes from other age-related ailments such as drying up of eyes and optical nerves, as well as glaucoma.

Cures Impotence

Arginine, present in watermelon, is beneficial in curing erectile dysfunction, and the stimulating nature of the chemical can boost libido, reduce frigidity and give a kick start to your love life after you enjoy a few slices of watermelon together!

Other Benefits: Lypocene is found to be effective in repairing damaged tissues. Watermelon seeds are rich in beneficial fats and proteins. Watermelons also contain phytonutrients which have very good effects on the health and proper functioning of internal organs, eyes, and the secretion system.