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An estimated 1.5 million people living in the United States alone have RA, an autoimmune disease that causes joint pain, swelling, and eventually damage.

Researchers continue to look for new ways to diagnose RA, especially in its early stages. That is because the earlier a person receives a proper diagnosis of and treatment for RA, the better their chances of good outcomes, such as limiting joint damage and functional loss.

Researchers also remain uncertain as to what exactly causes RA to develop, although it seems to depend on a mix of genetic and environmental factors.

In more recent years, RA researchers have been exploring the link between ERA, people at risk of RA, and the changes in their oral and intestinal microbiota, or community of microbes.

It seems people with ERA and at risk of RA have abnormal levels of certain bacteria in the mucus that lines the mouth and intestines. They also seem to be more likely than other people to have periodontal disease, or gum disease.

What is more, some research indicates RA may begin in the oral cavity.

That is why a team of researchers from the Academic Centre for Dentistry of Amsterdam (ACTA) set out to analyze the microbial populations and periodontal condition of people with ERA, those at risk of RA, and a control group of people without these conditions for comparison.

Their study appears in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology.

The oral microbiome and RA

Researchers have long speculated that autoimmune diseases, such as RA, are triggered or caused by microorganisms.

For quite some time, researchers have been aware there are links between periodontal disease, changes in the oral and intestinal microbiome, and RA.

Several studies seem to show that oral microbes — in particular anaerobic bacteria, which do not require oxygen — may play a role in the development of RA.

2009 study highlights three types of anaerobic bacteria occurring in the oral cavity that have been identified in joint fluid from people with RA. Several studies show that antibodies for certain types of anaerobic bacteria associated with periodontal disease may play a role in the development of RA.

Some researchers think these bacteria may cause an RA-associated immune response by producing proteins that trigger the formation of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs).

These compounds appear to promote inflammatory responses in different types of cells, including bone cells. Some studies have shown that this response ACPAs promote may be involved in the mediation of bone damage in the joints of people with RA.

For these and other reasons, the detection of ACPAs is now considered the most specific biomarker for RA in serum, which is the fluid component of blood.

The detection of ACPAs in serum also seems to help predict RA development several years before a person has clinical RA or experiences symptoms and receives an RA diagnosis.

That is why several research teams, including the team involved in the current study, have been exploring how changes in the composition and other components of the oral microbiome may relate to the onset of RA.

Oral microbiome changes and RA risk

In the new study, researchers analyzed the oral microbiome and periodontal status of three groups of 50 people.

People in the first group had ERA, and the second group included people at risk of RA (people with serum ACPAs or arthralgia). People in the third group did not have RA and were not at risk, did not have autoimmune conditions, and were generally healthy.

Each participant was examined by a dentist to assess their periodontal condition. Dentists checked whether their gums bled with probing, the inflamed gum surface area, and how deep into the gum line dental tools could probe.

They also examined how many teeth each participant had, how many of their teeth were missing, decayed, or filled, and whether a person wore a removable denture. They also asked each participant about the last time they brushed their teeth and what their regular oral hygiene measures were.

In addition, the scientists collected from each participant samples of the tongue coating or film, saliva, and subgingival dental plaque, which is found below the gum.

After using devices to amplify the DNA present in the samples, they collected, analyzed, and quantified the microbial populations within the samples. They then compared microbial differences between the three groups.

The team identified no difference in periodontal conditions between the groups. There was also no difference in dental plaque samples.

Yet differences did exist between the oral saliva and tongue coating of people with ERA and at risk of RA compared with the control group.

Levels of bacteria belonging to the genera Prevotella and Veillonella were higher in saliva samples from people with ERA and at risk of RA compared with the control group. Veillonella bacterial levels were also higher in the tongue coatings of the RA groups than in those of people in the control group.

According to the authors, these findings suggest that a possible link between the oral microbe and RA may truly exist.

This also suggests that bacteria from these two genera, as well as some others already reported to be involved in RA onset, could help trigger immune responses that influence the development of RA.

The authors explain that these findings correspond to those of previous studies showing that people with new-onset RA and established RA had increased levels of oral Prevotella bacteria. The results also support research that found increased levels of Prevotella bacteria in the gut microbiome of people at risk of RA or with ERA.

The authors write that some strains of Prevotella can cause chronic inflammation, which can trigger immune cells to be released throughout the body. They add that in some cases, microbial dysbiosis, or microbial imbalances, partially resolves with RA treatment.

The wider picture

Medical News Today spoke with Dr. Vanessa L. Kronzer, who cowrote a recent review on the etiology of RA. She said:

“This is an interesting study that, in my mind, achieves two goals. First, it provides further support for the mucosal origin hypothesis for RA. And second, it suggests that dysbiosis occurs even before disease onset and thus may play a role in RA disease pathogenesis.”

Dr. Kronzer believes this research is “an important step in a long path to understanding the etiology of this important disease.”

MNT also contacted Johanna Kroese from ACTA, the corresponding author of the study. She explained:

“Our results indicate a possible role for oral bacteria in triggering the onset of RA. Targeting these bacteria might lower the risk of developing RA. Future research can focus on strategies to target these bacteria and improving oral health, and might eventually lead to the development of measures for RA disease prevention.”

Some limitations

While the study had many strengths, it also had some notable flaws.

People within the ERA group were receiving treatment for RA, while people at risk of RA and those in the control group were not. The researchers also did not collect information on some factors that may influence dental plaque, such as diet.

To confirm their findings, the authors say future studies must collect multiple datasets over longer periods of time, ideally using large groups of people and consistent collection methods.

Nevertheless, these findings may have uncovered yet another stepping stone in the complex, elusive development process of RA. This could be good news for the millions of people living with RA, and the healthcare professionals trying to diagnose and treat them.

As Johanna Kroese explained to MNT, although further research is needed, “improving oral health is relevant for the entire population, and it wouldn’t hurt to already pay attention to oral health in persons at risk of developing RA.”

Many people have chronic stress and anxiety. They face symptoms such as nervousness, agitation, tension, a racing heart, and chest pain.

In fact, anxiety is among the most common mental health issues. In the United States, more than 18 percent of adults are affected by anxiety disorders each year.

In some cases, another health condition, such as an overactive thyroid, can lead to an anxiety disorder. Getting an accurate diagnosis can ensure that a person receives the best treatment.

In this article, learn about a wide range of natural and home remedies that can help with stress and anxiety.

Natural remedies for anxiety and stress

Natural remedies are generally safe to use alongside more conventional medical therapies.

However, alterations to the diet and some natural supplements can change the way antianxiety medications work, so it is essential to consult a doctor before trying these solutions. The doctor may also be able to recommend other natural remedies.

1. Exercise

Exercise may help to treat anxiety.

Exercise is a great way to burn off anxious energy, and research tends to support this use.

For example, a 2015 review of 12 randomized controlled trials found that exercise may be a treatment for anxiety. However, the review cautioned that only research of higher quality could determine how effective it is.

Exercise may also help with anxiety caused by stressful circumstances. Results of a 2016 studyTrusted Source, for example, suggest that exercise can benefit people with anxiety related to quitting smoking.

2. Meditation

Meditation can help to slow racing thoughts, making it easier to manage stress and anxiety. A wide range of meditation styles, including mindfulness and meditation during yoga, may help.

Mindfulness-based meditation is increasingly popular in therapy. A 2010 meta-analytic review suggests that it can be highly effective for people with disorders relating to mood and anxiety.

3. Relaxation exercises

Some people unconsciously tense the muscles and clench the jaw in response to anxiety. Progressive relaxation exercises can help.

Try lying in a comfortable position and slowly constricting and relaxing each muscle group, beginning with the toes and working up to the shoulders and jaw.

4. Writing

Finding a way to express anxiety can make it feel more manageable.

Some research suggests that journaling and other forms of writing can help people to cope better with anxiety.

2016 study, for example, found that creative writing may help children and teens to manage anxiety.

5. Time management strategies

Some people feel anxious if they have too many commitments at once. These may involve family, work, and health-related activities. Having a plan in place for the next necessary action can help to keep this anxiety at bay.

Effective time management strategies can help people to focus on one task at a time. Book-based planners and online calendars can help, as can resisting the urge to multitask.

Some people find that breaking major projects down into manageable steps can help them to accomplish those tasks with less stress.

6. Aromatherapy

Smelling soothing plant oils can help to ease stress and anxiety. Certain scents work better for some people than others, so consider experimenting with various options.

Lavender may be especially helpful. A 2012 study tested the effects of aromatherapy with lavender on insomnia in 67 women aged 45–55. Results suggest that the aromatherapy may reduce the heart rate in the short term and help to ease sleep issues in the long term.

7. Cannabidiol oil

CBD oil comes from the marijuana plant.

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a derivative of the cannabis, or marijuana, plant.

Unlike other forms of marijuana, CBD oil does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is the substance that creates a “high.”

CBD oil is readily available without a prescription in many alternative healthcare shops. Preliminary research suggests that it has significant potential to reduce anxiety and panic.

In areas where medical marijuana is legal, doctors may also be able to prescribe the oil.

8. Herbal teas

Many herbal teas promise to help with anxiety and ease sleep.

Some people find the process of making and drinking tea soothing, but some teas may have a more direct effect on the brain that results in reduced anxiety.

Results of a small 2018 trial suggest that chamomile can alter levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.

9. Herbal supplements

Like herbal teas, many herbal supplements claim to reduce anxiety. However, little scientific evidence supports these claims.

It is vital to work with a doctor who is knowledgeable about herbal supplements and their potential interactions with other drugs.

10. Time with animals

Pets offer companionship, love, and support. Research published in 2018 confirmed that pets can be beneficial to people with a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety.

While many people prefer cats, dogs, and other small mammals, people with allergies will be pleased to learn that the pet does have to be furry to provide support.

2015 studyTrusted Source found that caring for crickets could improve psychological health in older people.

Spending time with animals can also reduce anxiety and stress associated with trauma. Results of a 2015 systematic reviewTrusted Source suggest that grooming and spending time with horses can alleviate some of these effects.

Other treatment options

Therapy may help to treat chronic anxiety.

Anxiety that is chronic or interferes with a person’s ability to function warrants treatment.

When there is no underlying medical condition, such as a thyroid problem, therapy is the most popular form of treatment.

Therapy can help a person to understand what triggers their anxiety. It can also help with making positive lifestyle changes and working through trauma.

One of the most effective therapies for anxiety is called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The goal is to help a person understand how their thoughts affect their emotions and behavior and to replace those reactions with positive or constructive alternatives.

CBT can help with generalized anxiety and anxiety relating to a specific issue, such as work or an instance of trauma.

Medication can also help a person to manage chronic anxiety. A doctor may prescribe medications in any of the following groups:

  • antianxiety drugs called benzodiazepines, including Xanax and Valium
  • antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, including Prozac
  • sleeping medications, if anxiety interferes with sleep

People should follow the doctor’s instructions when using these drugs, as they can have severe and possibly life threatening adverse effects.

Natural anxiety remedies can replace or complement traditional treatments.


Untreated anxiety can get worse and cause more stress in a person’s life. However, anxiety is highly treatable with therapy, natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and medications.

A person may need to try several combinations of therapies and remedies before finding one that works. A doctor can help a person to determine which options are best.

Daniel Balakov / Getty Images

Scientists discover that a drug used to treat arthritis shows promising initial results for treating COVID-19 in older adults.

An international team of scientists has found that the arthritis drug baricitinib shows promise for increasing the survival of older adults with COVID-19.

The new research, appearing in the journal Science Advances, lays the groundwork for larger, randomized controlled trials to confirm the initial findings.

Repurposed drugs

Alongside developing an effective and safe vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, scientists are also identifying potential treatments that may help increase the survival chances of people who develop COVID-19.

To do this quickly, scientists have turned to previously available drugs, looking to repurpose them as COVID-19 treatments. Since these medicines already have approval for use, many of the safety tests involved in the development of a novel drug are not required.

However, this is still no small task. There are thousands of potential drugs to search through when identifying those that may be worth testing.

To speed up the process, scientists used artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can rapidly analyze these medicines and determine if they could be effective COVID-19 treatments.

One such drug that artificial intelligence software identified in February 2020 was baricitinib, a medication for adult rheumatoid arthritis.

The software identified this drug because it had two potential mechanisms of action. The first might reduce inflammation, while the second might make it more difficult for the virus to access a person’s cells.

Since these initial findings, baricitinib has been used in clinical settings to treat COVID-19. The scientists behind the present study drew on this initial clinical data and conducted laboratory tests to determine how effective the drug may be as a treatment.

Increased survival

The scientists looked at 83 patients from the University of Pisa, Italy, and the Albacete Hospital, Spain. The participants had an average age of 81 years, with moderate to severe COVID-19, and were given baricitinib as treatment. The research team compared this group to a control group of patients from Italy and Spain, who did not take the drug.

The scientists found that the group who received baricitinib was less likely to need mechanical ventilation, while the patients were less likely to die compared with the control group.

Specifically, 34.9% of the control group either died or needed mechanical ventilation, compared with 16.9% of the patients treated with baricitinib.

Two mechanisms of action

To better understand how baricitinib may causing this beneficial effect, the scientists studied its impact on miniature human organs grown in a laboratory.

This confirmed the initial findings of the AI software: that baricitinib reduces inflammation and makes it more difficult for the virus to access a person’s cells.

A leading cause of death for people with COVID-19 has been acute respiratory distress syndrome. This occurs when a person’s inflammatory response to SARS-CoV-2 goes out of control, damaging respiratory system cells and potentially affecting many other organs in their body.

The scientists found that this inflammatory response can also make it easier for the virus to enter a person’s cells as it replicates itself within their body.

Baricitinib seems to work by reducing both of these reactions, significantly increasing the chances of survival.

According to the study’s co-lead author Prof. Volker Lauschke, associate professor in Personalized Medicine and Drug Development at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, “[t]his study confirms what AI predicted, and what we were hearing from patient case reports.”

“For instance, one case involved an 87-year-old severely unwell patient from Foggia, Italy, who showed rapid improvement after being given the drug, whereas her husband and son, who did not receive baricitinib, died.”

“This study has also shone a light on exactly how this drug may protect us at the cellular level. This helps us understand why other types of drugs are proving beneficial, or not beneficial, as we help identify other treatments which may tackle COVID-19.” – Prof. Volker Lauschke

The next step is to confirm the initial findings in larger, randomized controlled trials, which are already proceeding.

For Prof. Justin Stebbing, of the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College London, United Kingdom, and study co-lead author, “[w]e have seen the top-line results of a randomized study called the Adaptive Covid Treatment Trial-2 announced recently, showing benefits of baricitinib plus remdesivir, compared to remdesivir alone in over 1,000 patients.”

“Other very large trials occurring now include COV-BARRIER, and this will help create a fuller picture of the benefits and side effects of the oral medication (a small number of the patients in our study needed to stop the treatment due to problems with liver function).

“Further trials comparing baricitinib to other drugs in COVID-19 patients would also be helpful in improving outcomes.”

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Abuja, Kano, Gombe, Makurdi, Benin, Jos, Lagos — Medical experts have warned that Nigeria could experience dire consequences in the rate of COVID-19 cases and deaths if people continued to violate protective measures against the disease.

They said it was worrisome that many people violated wearing of face masks, physical and social distancing, and hygiene measures such as hand washing and use of hand sanitisers among others across the country.

Dr. Ejike Orji, Chairman, Medical Sub-Committee, Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Ministerial Expert Advisory Committee on COVID-19 said that there would be a spike in cases, and that the country would be in serious trouble if the violation continued.

He said, “It is already happening. Abuja has been recording an average of 42 cases per day in the last two weeks.

“The isolation centres at the National Hospital, Abuja, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada and Asokoro District Hospitals are filled up.

“If we continue this way, we are going to be in serious trouble.”

He said a lot of people in Nigeria were asymptomatic to the disease because its population was largely youthful.

“70 % of our population is under the age of 30, that is also what is helping us.

“The disease is serious in people who are older and have co-morbidities like diabetes and hypertension.

“So young people can have it and feel nothing is wrong with them but be endangering their parents and older people around them.”

Dr. Omo Izedomwen, a public health expert said the country was already experiencing community transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic and that the only way to break it currently was to adhere to safety measures and restrictions instituted by the government .

Izedomwen, who is also the Coordinator of the Abuja Centre of the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) warned that disregarding the public safety measures comes with a cost, which people could regret later, adding “We can make choices but unfortunately cannot decide the consequences of these choices. And the consequences are very dire.”

He said the United States of America for instance had recorded over 100, 000 deaths already, saying these were people who once laughed and spent time with their loved ones.

Dr. Audu Onyemocho, an epidemiologist and an associate Professor of Community Medicine said the poor level of compliance by the public does not augur well for curbing the spread of the disease.

“The public should note that everyone is susceptible to COVID-19.

“It doesn’t show on the face, so the only way is to protect yourself and people around you,” he said.

As of yesterday, Nigeria had recorded 15, 682 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Of the number, 5, 101 cases have been discharged and 407 deaths recorded.

Findings by Daily Trust revealed that doubts about the existence of COVID-19 was still widespread among Nigerians in spite of the increasing number of cases. This is happening three months after the country recorded its first case of the disease.

Our reporters gathered that some of those who initially believed in the outbreak of the disease have grown complacent and abandoned hygiene measures to protect themselves.

Compliance across the FCT, states

A resident of Abuja, Ene John, said she initially believed the existence of the virus in the wake of the pandemic in Nigeria but after observing social distancing, quarantining at home and regular washing of hand for two months, she was tired of living in fear.

My Sylvester Obasoto said the low level of compliance stems from people’s belief that the government was using the virus to embezzle money.

“I was in a cab yesterday and a lady confidently declared that coronavirus doesn’t affect blacks.

“I saw a video clip too that explained that coronavirus only affects rich people.

“I think people need to be better informed about the dangers of not complying with preventive measures.

“Government should make provisions for protective equipment.

“Households and individuals have an active role to play too,” he said.

Emmanuela Chidera, a student in Nsugbe, Anambra State, told Daily Trust it was impossible for COVID-19 to thrive in Nigeria because of the intense heat.

Chidera said the federal and state governments have commercialised the disease, announcing fake COVID-19 positive cases to attract international sympathy, donor funds and debt relief.

Mr. Adekunle Eniolorunda, decried the high level of violation among the public saying it puts even those who believe the virus exists in the country at risk.

He called for improved sensitisation of the populace especially on the use of face masks.

Another resident of Abuja, Eneojo Abraham said since the index case was recorded in Lagos in February, all Nigerians see were figures churned by the NCDC and not the people affected by the virus.


Residents of the Plateau state capital, Jos, are yet to fully comply with preventive measures announced by the government.

There are still mixed feelings among the people towards the coronavirus.

While some believe it exists, some think it is the virus for rich people and could not affect the poor.

A resident of Unguwar Rogo in Jos, Ahmed Hussain, said he still lives his life normally and relates with the people/society as usual because he doesn’t believe COVID-19 exists.


In Benue State, some citizens adhere to safety measures stipulated by the NCDC for the prevention of COVID-19 but others have carried on as if the virus does not exist in the country.

Our correspondent reports that while most people in Makurdi, the state capital are seen obeying rules to protect themselves against the virus, most in Otukpo, Gboko, Kastina-Ala and rural areas do not comply with protective measures.

Ada Ekoja, an Otukpo resident told our correspondent that people behaved that way because there was no disease called COVID-19, alleging that the ‘noise’ about the virus was orchestrated by the federal government to draw international sympathies to make money.


Despite the fact that Kano is one of the top five states with the highest COVID-19 cases, the attitude of the people towards the prevention protocols is poor; majority of the people go about their businesses without recourse to preventive guidelines.

Comrade Nafiu Gurka, a resident said the disease was not different from ordinary catarrh and cough.


In Edo state, many people violate use of face masks, social distancing and other protective measures till date.

Daily Trust observed that even commercial vehicles are not adhering to the approved numbers of passengers as some of them still overload their vehicles.

A barber, who gave his name as Jude said he doesn’t observe safety measures because coronavirus does not exist.

A resident, Christian Osadolor, said he does not comply with COVID-19 measures because government is just using it to create fear in people’s minds


Compliance with COVID-19 measures is still poor in Lagos despite the fact that it has the highest number of cases.

A resident, Mukaila Tajudeen of Kolket Venture said the government failed to create adequate and sustainable awareness among the masses, added with corruption among Nigerian public office holders.

“So a lot of Nigerians believe that governments at all levels are just using COVID-19 to embezzle public funds.

“Take for instance, how many Nigerians benefited from the government’s palliative packages? They just claimed they gave palliatives to thousands of households.”


In Gombe, residents expressed mixed reactions about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some are of the view that it was being exaggerated thus affecting the compliance level.

A public servant, Abubakar Uba said it was not as deadly as leaders across the world were projecting it.

Malam Muhammad, said it seemed to be a man-made pandemic amplified for sinister motives and against, which Allah has protected the weaker nations. He added however that he has a habit of washing his hands regularly even before COVID-19 pandemic.

Experts’ views

Dr. Francis Ohanyido, a public health expert said there was need for improved sensitisation of the populace on COVID-19.

He said the government should also ensure community engagement so that more people would be enlightened about it.

He added that the government should also include civil society organisations in the enlightenment process so that more people could be reached.

The Chairman, National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives, Plateau State Council, Briskila Dabit, said it was unfortunate that people still don’t believe the existence of COVID-19 in the state.

She said such mentality was the reason for the careless attitude of many persons towards the preventive measures.

She said anyone doubting the existence of the disease in the state should visit the isolation centers, particularly the one in Riyom in Plateau state to see the affected persons receiving treatment there.

Meanwhile, the Edo state epidemiologist, Dr. Uwa Okuarobo, said the state government has stepped up sensitisation campaign to keep the people abreast of government’s activities and the truth about COVID-19.

“There is lots of misinformation about COVID-19, and it is our duty to let them know that it is not a scam, nobody is falsifying figures or wants to use it to make money. It is affecting the whole world,” he said.

The Director General of the National Orientation Agency (NOA), Dr. Garba Abari said the NOA commenced community sensitisation of Nigerians on the reality, danger and preventive measures against the COVID-19 virus as set out by the NCDC.

He noted that the Agency produced video and audio awareness jingles on the disease in English, Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba languages, and distributed them accordingly to all states of the Federation.

Researchers have found that living in polluted cities may cause the bones to be weaker and easier to break.

The researchers also found that city-dwellers exposed to toxic air have weaker hips and spines and are more prone to fractures

The Spanish researchers believe that bones are weakened because tiny pollutants seep into the blood when inhaled and speed up the ageing process.

A study carried out India of nearly 4,000 people found that those exposed to toxic particles had less bone density in their lower back and those who inhaled more toxic airborne particles had less bone mass in their spines and hips.

Meanwhile, previous studies have linked pollution to low levels of parathyroid hormone, which regulates calcium production, leading to more fragile bones.

Researchers found that smog-filled towns and cities have been linked to an increased risk of stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, acute respiratory diseases such as asthma and even dementia.

Although, there have only been a few studies into the effect of toxic airborne particles on bone health, the results have so far been inconclusive.

Researchers from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health in their latest paper, looked at 3,700 people who were all residents from 28 villages outside the city of Hyderabad in southern India between 2009 and 2012.

The researchers took measurements of PM2.5 and black carbon in the atmosphere in each village.

PM2.5 is the finest type of particulate matter, while black carbon is a larger toxin. Both come mainly from petrol and diesel vehicle exhausts.

Their analysis revealed average PM2.5 exposure was 33 micrograms per metre cubed (ug/m3) – far above the maximum 10ug/m3 levels recommended by the World Health Organisation.

By comparison, the average level is 13ug/m3 in London, 12ug/m3 in New York and 10ug/m3 in Sydney.

The researchers also cross-referenced pollution levels with X-rays measuring bone mass in participants’ lower back, known as the lumbar spine, and hip.

The results showed that exposure to air pollution was associated with lower levels of bone mass.

For every 3ug/m3 increase in fine particulate matter, there was a decrease of -0.57g of bone mass in the spine and -0.13g in the hip, while an increase of 1ug/m3 of carbon saw bone density shrink by -1.13g in the spine and -0.35g in the hip.

The study lead author, Otavio Ranzani said: “This study contributes to the limited and inconclusive literature on air pollution and bone health.

“Inhalation of polluting particles could lead to bone mass loss through the oxidative stress and inflammation caused by air pollution.’ The findings were published in the journal Jama Network Open.

However, a 2017 study by Columbia University of more than nine million people was the first to find a link between traffic fumes and fractures caused by osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break.

The study linked pollution exposure to low levels of parathyroid hormone, which regulates calcium production, leading to weaker bones and more hospitalisations for fractures.

The study found hospital admissions for bone fractures were higher in communities with elevated levels of PM2.5, as more than 80 per cent of the world’s urban population is breathing unsafe levels of air pollution.

Described as an invisible killer, it causes an estimated seven million premature deaths yearly worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

However, health experts fear that pollution is also fuelling increases in degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Previous studies found that air pollution has a negative impact on students’ cognitive abilities.

Many pollutants are thought to directly affect brain chemistry in a variety of ways.

For instance, particulate matter from traffic and industry can carry toxins through small passageways and directly enter the brain.

Culled from

Muscle cramps are painful, visible contractions of a muscle or part of a muscle. Many people experience muscle cramps in the calf.

In most cases, the cramp can last for a few seconds to a few minutesTrusted Source before spontaneously resolving.

Keep reading to learn about the causes, treatments, and prevention of leg muscle cramps.


Leg muscle cramps can be very painful and uncomfortable.

To provide some relief, a person can:

  • stretch the muscle
  • get a deep tissue massage
  • apply a hot or cold compress to the affected area

A doctor will not usually recommend medication for the routine treatment of leg cramps due to there being very little evidence of the medicines working. However, in some cases, a doctor may consider medications such as:

  • carisoprodol
  • diltiazem
  • gabapentin
  • orphenadrine
  • verapamil
  • vitamin B-12 complex

In pregnant women, magnesium and multivitamins may help.

In the past, people have also used quinine to treat leg cramps. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have strongly advised against this due to safety concernsTrusted Source.


If a person suspects that their cramps are due to serious medical concerns such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or the ingestion of toxins, they should seek emergency medical attention.

However, for benign cramps, staying hydrated and maintaining a healthful diet may help in preventing leg muscle cramps.

Before exercising, a person should be sure to stretch the muscles and drink plenty of water.

Helpful foods

Many people believe that taking magnesium supplements can help prevent muscle cramps. In fact, some vitamin and mineral supplement companies actually market magnesium supplements for muscle cramp prevention.

Some foods also provide magnesium. Foods that are high in magnesium include:

  • almonds
  • spinach
  • cashew nuts
  • peanuts
  • soymilk
  • black beans
  • edamame
  • baked potatoes with skin
  • cooked brown rice
  • plain, low fat yogurt

However, it is important to note that studies have not yet confirmed that magnesium is effective for the prevention of leg muscle cramps.


Muscle cramp occurs when the surrounding neurons repetitively stimulate it. Leg muscle cramps are a commonTrusted Source occurrence.

According to some researchersTrusted Source, the exact causes of leg muscle cramps are largely unknown, but some triggers can include:

  • exercise
  • pregnancy
  • the presence of nocturnal leg cramps
  • dehydration
  • certain medications, including intravenous iron sucrose, raloxifene, naproxen, and teriparatide

Sometimes, leg muscle cramps can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. These might include:

  • a neurological condition, such as motor neuron disease
  • an infection, such as tetanus
  • liver disease
  • DVT

Ingesting toxins such as lead or mercury can also cause muscle cramps.

If a person believes that they have ingested one or both of these toxins, they should call Poison Control on 1-800-222-1222 and seek emergency medical attention.

Who is at risk?

Leg muscle cramps can affect anyone, but those who are more at risk include:

  • people with overweight or obesity
  • athletes
  • people taking certain medications
  • older adults, particularly those aged 65 and over
  • pregnant women

Is it serious?

When leg muscle cramps occur as a result of exercise or standing for too long, the body needs rest. In these cases, the symptoms should resolve on their own.

When leg muscle cramps become persistent, however, a person may also notice that they are not sleeping well, or that they feel limited in their daily activities. Although not serious, these persistent symptoms can impact a person’s quality of life.

If a person experiences muscle cramps along with other symptoms, such as swelling or skin discoloration, they should seek emergency medical help, as it may be a symptom of DVT.

Cramps that occur in young, healthy people and resolve spontaneously do not usually require medical attention.

If leg muscle cramps become recurrent or start to affect a person’s quality of life and daily activities, they should make an appointment with their doctor.


Leg muscle cramps are common complaints that can occur in anyone. People who are more at risk of experiencing leg muscle cramps include young people who exercise, pregnant women, and older adults.

If leg muscle cramps do not resolve or become persistent, a person should visit their doctor.

Severe leg muscle cramps may be a symptom of a serious underlying condition that requires immediate medical attention.

However, in most situations, leg muscle cramps are not serious and will go away on their own.

What is psoriasis?

PSORIASIS is a chronic autoimmune skin disease that speeds up the growth cycle of skin cells.

What are the symptoms of psoriasis?
Psoriasis causes patches of thick red skin and silvery scales. Patches are typically found on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of feet, but can affect other places (fingernails, toenails, and mouth). The most common type of psoriasis is called plaque psoriasis.

Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory type of arthritis that eventually occurs in 10 percent to 20 percent of people with psoriasis. It is different from more common types of arthritis (such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis) and is thought to be related to the underlying problem of psoriasis. Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are sometimes considered together as psoriatic disease.

Who is at risk for psoriasis?
Anyone can get psoriasis. It occurs mostly in adults, but children can also get it. Men and women seem to have equal risk.

Can I get psoriasis from someone who has it?
Psoriasis is not contagious. This means you cannot get psoriasis from contact (example, touching skin patches) with someone who has it.

What causes psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, meaning that part of the body’s own immune system becomes overactive and attacks normal tissues in the body.

How is psoriasis diagnosed and treated?
Psoriasis often has a typical appearance that a primary care doctor can recognize, but it can be confused with other skin diseases (like eczema), so a dermatologist (skin doctor) is often the best doctor to diagnose it. The treatment of psoriasis usually depends on how much skin is affected, how bad the disease is (example, having many or painful skin patches), or the location (especially the face). Treatments range from creams and ointments applied to the affected areas to ultraviolet light therapy to drugs (such as methotrexate). Many people who have psoriasis also have serious health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression.

Psoriatic arthritis has many of the same symptoms as other types of arthritis, so a rheumatologist (arthritis doctor) is often the best doctor to diagnose it. The treatment of psoriatic arthritis usually involves the use of drugs (such as methotrexate). Psoriatic disease (when a person has psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis) may be treated with drugs (such as methotrexate) or a combination of drugs and creams or ointments.

Pineapple, a delicious tropical fruit, has been celebrated for centuries not only for its unique taste but also for its miraculous health benefits. The health and medicinal benefits of pineapple include improving the immune system, respiratory health and digestion, strengthening bones, reducing inflammation, curing coughs and colds, and weight loss.

Aside from the interesting story and appearance of this fruit, it is also a storehouse of huge health benefits due to its wealth of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, including potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, beta carotene,  thiamin, B6, and folate, as well as soluble and insoluble fiber, and bromelain.

A pineapple fruit is known to offer a lot of benefits, which include a stronger immune system, weight loss, improved respiratory health and strengthened bones, among others. Let us discuss each benefit in detail;

Treats arthritis

Boosts immunity

A single serving of pineapple has more than 130 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C for human beings, making it one of the richest and most delicious sources of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps in reducing illnesses and boosting the immune system by stimulating the activity of white blood cells and acting as an antioxidant to defend against the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous by products of cellular metabolism that can damage various organ systems and disrupt function, as well as cause healthy cells to mutate into cancerous ones. The vitamin C content of pineapples defends against this.

Improves cellular health

One of the commonly overlooked benefits of vitamin C is its essential role in creating collagen. This is partly the reason why it is seen as a healing vitamin because collagen is the essential protein base of blood vessel walls, skin, organs, and bones. High vitamin C content in pineapple helps you heal wounds and injuries quickly, along with defending your body against infections and illnesses.

Prevents cancer

Pineapple has been directly related to preventing cancers of the mouth, throat, and breast, as it is rich in various other antioxidants, including vitamin A, beta carotene, bromelain, various flavonoid compounds, and high levels of manganese. Manganese is an important cofactor of superoxide dismutase, an extremely potent free radical scavenger that has been associated with a number of different cancers.

Treats cough and cold

The normal immune system boosting power of vitamin C is well known, but that special enzyme, bromelain, is also connected with the reduction of phlegm and mucus build up in the respiratory tracts and sinus cavities. Pineapples, rich in bromelain and vitamin C, therefore prevent and treat respiratory illnesses, and eliminate phlegm and mucus from your body if you’ve already contracted an illness or infection.

Improves vision

Vision is one of the most important senses for human beings and pineapples have been directly connected to improving eye health and preventing the age-related eye deficiencies that often occur. Macular degeneration affects many elderly people, and beta carotene can help delay this vision problem. Keeping proper amounts of beta-carotene in your diet from fruits and vegetables is essential in maintaining good eyesight as you age.