Caring for a child with chickenpox

Caring for a child with chickenpox

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Chickenpox, a viral illness characterised by a very itchy red rash, is one of the most common infectious diseases in children. It is usually mild but there is a risk of serious complication, such as bacterial pneumonia.

People who have had chickenpox almost always develop a lifetime immunity (meaning one is unlikely to get it again). However, the virus remains dormant in the body. Chickenpox is common among children, but when an adult is infected, it is generally severe and fatal.


The herpes varicella-zoster virus causes Chickenpox. It spreads by droplets from a sneeze or cough, or by contact with the clothing, bed linens or oozing blisters of an infected person. The onset of symptoms is 10 to 21 days after exposure. The disease is most contagious a day or two before the rash appears and until the rash is completely dry.


Chickenpox appears as a very itchy rash that spreads from the torso to the neck, face and limbs. It can last between seven and 10 days with the rash progressing from red bumps to fluid-filled blisters (vesicles).

Vesicles may also appear in the mouth, on the scalp, around the eyes or on the genitals and can be very painful. The disease is contagious until all the spots have dried up. The virus is also contagious for at least one day before the rash breaks out.

Get medical help immediately if:

You think your child has chickenpox. A doctor can confirm the diagnosis.
Chickenpox comes with severe skin pain, the rash produces a greenish discharge and the surrounding skin becomes red.
It comes with a stiff neck and persistent sleepiness or lethargy. These are symptoms of a more serious illness such as meningitis or encephalitis.
Your child is recovering from chickenpox and begins running a fever, vomiting, having convulsions or is drowsy.
An adult family member gets chickenpox.
You are pregnant and have never had chickenpox. This is so because the unborn child may be at risk.
Treatment for chickenpox

There is no cure for chickenpox, and the virus usually clears up by itself without any treatment. Its treatment focuses on the symptoms in order to prevent complications like pneumonias, shingles, among others. Chickenpox is extremely contagious. Keep your child at home until all the blisters have burst and crusted over.

In addition to over-the-counter painkillers, there is the need to administer an antihistamine on the patient in order to relieve pain, itching and swelling. The patient can use antibiotics if a secondary bacterial skin infection arises or if the person with chickenpox develops bacterial pneumonia.

Home remedies for chickenpox

Trim the child’s fingernails or cover their hands with hand gloves to keep them from scratching. This can lead to infection.
Apply cool, wet towels to the skin and allow them to dry.
Dab calamine lotion on the lesions to relieve itching
Leave your baby’s nappy off as much as possible to allow the vesicles to dry out and scab.
Rinse mouth with 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and use as a gargle to ease mouth sores. In older children, use lozenges or sprays containing a mild anaesthetic.
Give paracetamol for fever and chickenpox symptoms. If you are pregnant and needs to take painkillers, then paracetamol is the first choice.
Keep sores clean by washing daily. Apply lotion afterwards.
It is important for children (and adults) with chickenpox to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
Other treatments

Antiviral medicine: Aciclovir is an antiviral medicine that people with chickenpox sometimes take. Pregnant women if they visit the hospital within 24 hours of the rash appearing can still take Aciclovir. Newborn babies and people with a weakened immune system (the body’s defence system) can also use the drug. The drug is effective for shortening the duration of chickenpox symptoms

Though expensive, patients can receive immunoglobulin treatment in some situations.

In conclusion, as a protective measure, patients are usually required to stay at home to avoid spreading the disease to others. They can also receive treatment in an isolation ward.

Keep a date with me next week as I share the experience of a middle-aged woman who developed shingles, complication of chickenpox.


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