Breast cancer: Clinical anatomy and breast self-examination

Breast cancer: Clinical anatomy and breast self-examination

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Surface markings (outline) of the breast on the chest wall.

The female breast is perhaps the largest cluster of glands located in the  skin, where anatomical and physiologic changes  that occur secondary to hormonal regulation can be seen and felt.

The breast is enclosed between two sheets of body tissue (superficial and deep layers); the superficial fascia that lie on a deeper one which adheres to and covers the chest wall muscles.

Remarkable variations occur, but the base (bottom) of the normal breast extends from the second rib up, and then down to the 6th rib below. From the middle of the sternum(breast bone), it extends to the mid point of the clavicle( collar bone) and side wards (laterally) to the middle of the axilla (arm pit). Usually, part of the normal breast tissue reaches out towards the region of the armpit by a tongue- like extension which unlike  the rest of the breast reaches down to the tissue covering the chest muscles (pectoralis major); this is the axillary tail of Spence

Where as in a normal breast, the lower portion shows clear demarcation from the rest of the chest wall, (infra mammary fold), else where, edges of the breast proper, blend smoothly with neighboring chest tissues. Tissue from one breast may cross the middle (breast bone) in front, and can also extend downward below the intra mammary fold . this explains why cancer can spread from one breast to the other and hence it is good to know the contours and outline of your own breast.


The nipple (papilla mammaria)

This projects from the areola, a darkened circular portion located at the summit of the breast. It is usually cylindrical or comical in a normal breast; it can also be invented or flat especially in the young.

Contours of the two breasts are not always entirely symmetric(mirror image), but sudden or gradual appearance of new edges may indicate abnormal changes from inside the breast tissue.

Sudden or recent inversion or flattening of the nipple is abnormal and calls for urgent medical attention.

The fully formed breast consists of glandular epithelium embedded in fibrous connective tissue In a normal breast, it is located at the center of the grape-like lobes of the breast, surrounded by the fibrous connective tissues with fat tissue being outer most. The lactiferous (milk) ducts branch extensively in the connective tissues fame work.

Considerable variations exist in the composition, consistency (feel), and size of the fibroglandular mass of the breast. This is responsible for the sometimes obvious differences between the corpus mamma (body of the breast) not only during the life spine of every woman, but also between women of the same age and even between the two breasts of an individual

Each milk diet (Lactiferous duct) dilates as it passes under the areola to form a Lactiferous Sinus).

The ducts are mainly estrogen(present in males and females but usually more in females) dependent but the glands are progesterone dependent.

A mammary lobule is defined as a cluster of the ductules together with the duct that it drains.

Most malignant new growth of the breast are carcinomas and they arise from neoplastic changes in the living cells of the milk ducts or their large extra lobular branches especially in cases of  ductal carcinomata.

Connective Tissue Frame Work(scaffolding) of the breast.

This extends from the skin to the deep fascia of pectoralis major (chest wall muscle). It is a combination of fat and dense fibrous tissue which makes up the corpus mammae (body of the breast)

When placed between radiographic plates, x-rays will pass though fat and we say that portion shows translucency whereas the fibrous tissues, lobules and the ducts, don’t allow passage and show as opaque spots. The contrast is what is applied in mammography (x-ray study of the breast)

The superficial fascia(skin cushion) in which the body of the breast is embedded(padded) has a limiting membrane at the base of the breast called retromammary fascia and is separated from the fascia over the chest ( pectoral fascia) by the retromammary space. This accounts for the free mobility of the breast; a very useful anatomical arrangement for breast examination

In front (anteriorly) extensions of the fibrous tissue pass though the outer covering of the corpus mammer to attach to the overlying skin. These are known as suspensory ligaments. Claws of cancer can follow there strands as they sometimes contain glandular tissue. For women who are still menstruating (cycling), the breast feel lumpy. This is due to variations in size of ligaments and island of fat lobules present, even within the fibrous glandular masses leading to irregular surfaces

Nerve supply:

Arrangement of nerves in the breast determine how the pain of cancer is located and felt

Cutaneous(skin) branches to the anterior and lateral (front and sides) arise from the upper six intercostals, principally 4th, 5th & 6th.Sensory fibers are particularly abundant on nipple for pain, pleasure and sucking  reflex path ways

Blood supply

The  pattern of vessels including blood vessels also determine the  routes or channels through which cancer spreads to bone, brain and other vital organs of the body. It also helps Clinicians  decide on treatment and pattern of surgery

The lower and bottom areas of the breast are usually free from the blood vessels, particularly the arteries.

Cancer cells can spread through blood in blood vessels (haematogenous spread) running mostly in the superficial fascia( under the skin); the principal arteries  are;

  1. internal thoracic via enlarged anterior perforating branches (first 4 mainly) but 2nd and 3rd are particularly prominent, which supply the breast as medial mammary artery.
  2. Axillary artery via its 2nd and lateral thoracic branches, which approach the breast from the axilla(armpit)
  3. posterior intercostals artery via its lateral cutaneous branches. It is important to note that the  lower portion of the breast has a blood less window, through which surgical interventions can be safely carried out for cosmetic (plastics surgery), investigative (biopsies) and limited therapeutic (lumpectomies).
  4. Venous system

Drainage is from the Venous plexus underneath the areola, thence to the axillary vein in the armpit and also down wards to the internal mammary vein behind, to the internal mammary vein behind the breast bone.There are extensive venous channels involving Para vertebral plexus through which cancer can reach the vertebral column and the brain.  Though not common, complete paralysis of both lower limbs( from waist down) can occur in advanced(eg stage 4) stages of breast cancer.

Lymphatic drainage

Primary route for the spread of cancer is through lymphatic vessels.

They begin deep down from networks in the lobes and ducts through the corpus mammae (body of the breast)  and spread to the following areas:

  1. The Armpit (axilla) where they can be felt
  2. Behind breast bone so they cannot be felt (palpated), but through here they can ferry cancer cells to the lungs and cause difficulty in breathing
  3. Nipple Areola complex
  4. Area under the areola skin
  5. End portions of the milk ducts
  6. The Axillary lymph nodes receive fluid from all quadrants
  7. The medial quadrants drain to the region around the breast bone (para sternal) and sternal (breast bone) region piercing the Pectoralis Major muscle.
  8. More than 75% of total lymphatic drainage of the breast tissue is to the axillary (armpit) group of lymph nodes
  9. The nodes are also interconnected

In clinical practice, the breast is divided into 4 quadrants (portions). Lymph channels from the part of the breast underneath the nipple and the adjacent colored portion(  sub areola plexus) spread across the midline to join those from the opposite breast. It can also flow upwards above the clavicle (collar bone), and also down ward over the costal margin (lower border of the rib cage) to the abdomen. In this way cancer of the breast can spread upwards and down below to reach the abdomen and the contained organs e.g. Liver.


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