How A Woman’s Cycle Affects Her Libido

How A Woman’s Cycle Affects Her Libido

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Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Her Period & How It Can Affect Your Sex Life

Would you like to be able to predict the dates when a woman is most likely gagging for it? Believe it or not, it’s entirely possible. All it takes is a little bit of research, a calendar and some careful observation, and you will be well on your way to making the most of nature’s erotic gifts (and have a much higher chance of knowing when to keep out of the stomping zone of a wild premenstrual woman).

It is proven beyond reasonable doubt that women’s sexual desires increase dramatically during (and just after) ovulation. This article describes the best times for sex and how men can make the most of a woman’s high times.

What is a period?
A period, with all that ghastly blood and mess, is the result of three weeks’ worth of hormone changes in preparation for the reproduction of the species — your offspring, to be exact. These hormone changes affect women in many ways — ways that ultimately affect their libido for better or for worse.

When is the best time to get it on?
The question on all your lips! The short answer is during ovulation when a woman is at her most fertile. The longer answer, which involves what ovulation is and how to pinpoint when it’s happening, is as follows.
about ovulation
What is ovulation?
Ovulation is the process of a healthy egg arriving in the uterus, ready for fertilization. When the egg is in the perfect place for fertilization, the woman’s body sends her libido into overdrive. This is the only time during the month that she is fertile, and there is only a 12- to 24-hour period in which she can actually get pregnant. The hormones produced at this time mean she is extra sensitive in all her senses — especially in smell and touch.

Does her period confuse the heck out of you? Then get the facts…

Why ovulation is good for you.
It is no coincidence that one-night stands often end in pregnancy. Ovulation is when the body says: “F#@* me!” (and “Get me pregnant!”). At other times, it is not as necessary for the body to encourage copulation. This is when you can predict her behavior reasonably; her body ensures this by being the lovely regular thing it is. (Of course, not every woman has a regular cycle, but most do.) She is so much more likely to say yes if she is ovulating. This is good for you. It is important to stress the fertility part of this equation: Her body is doing its damndest to get her pregnant, so watch out! Unless you are ready for fatherhood, of course…

When does ovulation occur?
Because every woman has a slightly different cycle — some women have 20 days and others have 60 days — it is not that easy to pinpoint the exact day of ovulation. It is 14 to 16 days before the first day of her period, not 14 to 16 days after her period (unless she has a perfectly even 28-day cycle). The number of days before and after her period may be uneven; it is not strictly halfway.

What’s going through her head while she is ovulating?
It is during ovulation that women find themselves gripped in the midst of a desperate craving for sex with attractive men. “Attractive” is always in the eye of the beholder, of course, and standards during this time tend to drop significantly. The craving for penetrative sex with a live man (as opposed to going solo with a motorized “friend”) is overwhelming. The desire for a romp with a warm masculine body is intense and, very often, irresistible.

Ovulating women often put themselves out there a little more, feeling and behaving in a more provocative and flirty manner despite their best intentions. This manifests itself in things like lingering looks, sexier clothing and higher heels. This time of a woman’s cycle is biologically very different from the rest, in that her sexuality becomes a flashing neon light that says: “Fertility.” She feels sexy, she feels desirable, she feels the energy of her womanhood bubbling to the surface. If there are no other problems crushing this fleeting euphoria of power and sexuality (emotional issues or stress, for example), it is highly likely that a woman will actively seek sex.

It has also been noted in research that women are more inclined to cheat on their partners during ovulation. There would have to be other issues involved, however, such as her partner’s attractiveness and the quality of their relationship.
sex during her period
Most women experience a rise in their sex drive during their period. This is inconvenient timing, and you will find that some women will not want to have sex in this time despite their desire to do so because of the intimate difficulties that arise. For example, if she is wearing a tampon, removing it can leave her vagina dry, and it can take a long time to moisten up with natural lubricant (not blood). If she is wearing a pad, she may feel embarrassed about the smell of her vagina and the immediate presence of blood. She won’t want you to see any of this, and has to prepare in private, which takes the spontaneity away from any sexual encounter.

Avoiding the mess during period sex…

The other problem with period sex is the mess. Girls don’t always find it a problem — they are familiar with the sight of blood and the mess it can make — but many men get squeamish. So, it’s up to the both of you to decide what you want to do during this time of the month.
a clean solution for period sex
A good way to avoid messy period sex is with a sea sponge. They are not common knowledge, but are fantastic at stopping blood flow for at least a few hours. Ask your local pharmacist for a sea sponge, and you will be taken to the bath and shower section. It has to be a sea sponge; no other artificial sponge will do. It is a natural sponge found in the ocean and is more expensive than ordinary bath sponges.

Cut a circle out of the sponge about the size of an oversized egg. Wet the sponge under the tap, and squeeze as much water out as possible. This then gets inserted easily into the vagina, right to the top of the cervix where a tampon would sit. It is impossible for it to get lost because the opening to the cervix is a pinhole. To get it out, she must crouch and push outward, putting her fingers inside to find an edge and pull. It does take a little bit of practice to perfect, but it is worth it — no messy leaks and all the natural lube you can ask for! It can be put in at the beginning of a night out and last until after the fun’s over. It can also be rinsed out and reused if required.
effects of the pill on libido
The birth control pill is dangerous for the libido in a couple of ways. The lack of fluctuating hormones and chemical changes means a woman’s sex drive can be levelled completely, keeping her libido even throughout her cycle. This is dangerous because if her libido is low, it could just stay that way. On the other hand, it could remain high. The pill does not often increase a woman’s libido if it was previously low.

Birth control pills prevent ovulation, which is the peak of a woman’s fertility, and therefore biological sexual desire. Her sex drive has to be carried through with other naturally made hormones (progesterone). This is not always a reliable bet, especially when artificial hormones are being pumped into the body.
pms and sex
Men and women are still battling to understand each other, despite the existence of John Gray and Allan and Barbara Pease. Men are constantly trying to better understand women — the always-present enigma — but in doing so, omit the importance of one of the most influential factors in a woman’s life: her fluctuating hormones. Hormones are blamed for bad stuff — crankiness, moodiness and general unpleasant behavior — but the truth is, a woman gives as good as she gets.

In the search for better sex, guys, you have a guide to work from, in the form of a clockwork regular menstrual cycle. Use it to your advantage and reap the benefits of both more sex and better sex, as well as enhanced communication with your partner. Knowledge is power!


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