Facts about happiness

Facts about happiness

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Besides excitement, another word people generally associate with happiness is comfort. They want to be comfortable and in control of everything, with as little risk involved as possible. Sounds nice, right? In truth, however, it leads to a boring and often purposeless life (which of course leads to more misery).

To pursue real happiness, you have to be willing to go against the grain by being consciously willing to challenge yourself, recognising its value in helping you grow as a person. Huge bonus points if you challenge yourself in an area that truly helps and benefits other people, animals, or the planet.

Happiness is about finding peace

With more internal work comes more awareness and alignment with reality, and although most people don’t typically associate suffering with happiness, the people who consistently do this type of work are able to feel much happier than the average person about whatever life throws their way — even in the most undesirable situations. Real happiness is about forgetting about past regrets and future worries, and being able to fully accept and deal with what’s going on right now.

Happiness is a choice

You’ve probably heard this one before: Happiness is a choice, and you have to take full responsibility for your own. This can be one of the most difficult things to do particularly for people who are used to playing victim roles in their lives. For many people, their minds may never be willing to fully accept the fact that they are responsible for their own happiness, even when things seem bad or out of control.

The idea is simple, but in practice, it’s not easy. The longer and more intensely a person’s mind has been fixated on all the bad and sad things about their life, the harder it is to change that mindset. It takes time and a lot of struggle, but it’s worth it. You can start living more presently to help you get



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