If you are infertile, watch your job

If you are infertile, watch your job

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Refineries release toxic wastes into water, soil, and air, which are then ingested by those living close to the refineries through various means.

Children living near the factories are more likely to have breathing problems such as asthma and bronchitis. Their reproductive organs may be more impaired, and they may have more abnormal development of the brain and nervous system than their counterparts in less toxic environments. They may also more easily contract cancer, particularly cancer of the blood (leukemia) than those who live farther away.

In oil drilling operations, corrosive acid wastes, toxic chemicals and other harmful industrial wastes are intermittently released into streams, rivers and seas. Again, sulphur dioxide (cited by the American Lung Association as the third leading cause of lung disease), nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, and other noxious gases from power plants that burn high sulphur oils, are usually released into the atmosphere.

These, together with injected particulate matter (soot, ash and other solids), and unburned hydrocarbons undergo series of chemical reactions in the presence of sunlight, resulting in a dense, characteristic smog. As a consequence, people living in areas where oil is drilled are much more likely to develop cancers of the stomach, bladder, and lungs than people living in other places.

The cost of air pollution is enormous. Oil is transported through pipelines, trucks, and ships. Transportation and marketing operations generate oil spills and hydrocarbon emissions. The major source of oily waste is from transportation and storage systems. Used lubrication oils constitute the greatest type of waste oil in Nigeria. Other waste oils are in the form of sludge, bitumen and slop oils.

Tanker drivers, workers in petrol stations and oil workers on ships and others involved in the transportation of oil can easily be contaminated by the oil they are carrying, as oil is often spilled during transportation. Oil can also leak from storage tanks that it is being kept in. At the gasoline station and in crowded cities, people are exposed to toxic fumes that can cause cancer and many other illnesses.

Long-term health effects of oil are numerous and usually subtle in the short term, such that it takes a relatively long time for a sufferer to understand that they are a result of living in close proximity with oil.

These health effects may include blurred vision and other eye problems, headaches, hallucinations, euphoria (sudden feelings of happiness), tiredness, slurred speech, brain damage, and coma.

Others are convulsions and unusual deaths, nose sores and nose bleeds, ear infections, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, lung and throat infections, cancers, increased risk of tuberculosis, heart attacks, digestive problems such as vomiting, ulcers and stomach cancer, damage to liver, kidneys and bone marrow; menstrual problems, miscarriages, stillbirths, and birth defects; skin rashes and fungus.

In recognition of the fact that workers in the oil and gas industry are constantly exposed to various pollutants that put their health at risks, some petrochemical companies regularly send their workers for detox programmes every six months. For example, Russian oil workers are sent to Viva-Mayr in Austria every six months for a Mayr Therapy detoxification process.

At Mayr centres, an Asyra bioenergetics test is carried out, which helps to identify all environmental factors and toxins that an individual has been exposed to, which may be affecting health and could have been a trigger to cancer development and other diseases.

The test will identify all the environmental toxins and heavy metals that the individual has been exposed to, as well as highlight the degree of damage if any, sustained by any organ/system in the body resulting from exposure to these toxins.

It can help to identify pre-clinical disorders by identifying triggers an individual might be harbouring. Some of these triggers include DNA-altering carcinogenic substances like chemicals in the air, food, and water; heavy metals, poisons, vaccines, drugs, tobacco, fluoridated water, pesticides, herbicides, chlorine and other contaminants in our water.

The test identifies food allergies and sensitivities which, combined with other toxins already present, create an environment inside our bodies that is toxic, sluggish, acidic and inflamed. Because this unhealthy internal environment is extremely detrimental to our health, the body starts to convert normal cells to cancer cells because the latter can function more efficiently in such a toxic environment. Using the Asyra, we have been able to identify many of the above substances from patients who work in or reside near industrial installations.

Following the Asyra test and its findings, the clinic then offers a detoxification programme which is aimed at eliminating the toxins from the individual’s system, using our various detoxification technologies.

Employees of the oil and gas sector will be taught better health practices and motivated to continue a healthier life-style that will lead to a healthy, focused and more productive life.

Couples who reside in such areas and are experiencing problems with conception after a long period might consider detoxification as well. Our experience has shown they may only need to do just that before they conceive and have healthy babies.




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