
The career woman and childbearing delays: A clinical view (1)

The International Women’s Day is marked globally on March 8 to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year’s theme is ‘Pledge for Parity’, a remainder to intensify women’s global efforts to ensure gender equality especially regarding status or pay. First, spiritually speaking, it is important to emphasise that womanhood is greater than motherhood.

One cannot but commend the roles of women in various endeavours of life. They have proved themselves beyond measure in various sectors, including politics, banking, academia, research, science, medicine, engineering, law, spiritual development of the family and many more.

The duality of their responsibilities amidst their career pursuit as wives, mothers, carers and role models cannot be ignored but greatly applauded. One often wonders where such derogatory and chauvinistic terms such as ‘weaker sex’ come from.

From the point of a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist, one of the commonest questions I have had to address is, ‘Why can’t I get pregnant?’ Surprisingly, this singular question is usually asked by women in their late 30s or early 40s; women at the peak of their careers. As much as the education of the female child is of upmost importance, emphasis on career seems to have a negative impact on a woman’s fertility.

Although, this statement might seem ambiguous and no direct causal implication can be inferred, in the course of my practice, I have observed this pattern. Many a woman seem seemingly does not have any organic causes of infertility, just that age has set in.

With advancement in age, the reproductive functions become impaired, particularly ovarian functions. The quality of the eggs diminishes as age advances. Also, in those susceptible (genetic predisposition) the onset of uterine fibroids and other uterine problems are commoner among women in this age bracket.

Women in their late 30s and early 40s also tend to experience hormonal imbalances, stemming from work-induced stress (elevated prolactin), poor sleep, inappropriate nutrition, exposure to work-related toxins, environmental pollution, cosmetic-induced toxins and, by default, perimenopause and early menopause.

Most fertility experts will agree that the best time for a woman to conceive is in her early 20s-30s when the incidents of chromosomal aneuploidies associated with birth defects – Mongolism / Down’s syndrome – are minimal, in contrast to women of advanced age.

In the early to mid-twenties, women tend to be at their prime at attracting male suitors. But this coincides with a period when a majority of them are enrolled in schools / universities with keen instructions from their parents (especially mothers, God bless them) to concentrate on academics and careers.

Not surprisingly, after their high/secondary schooling and first degrees from universities, in order to be more competitive and attractive to employers, the majority go on to attain second degrees, fellowships and doctoral degrees before giving thought to marriage and childbearing. Even those married tend to voluntarily delay childbearing in order to achieve their career goals, tilting their ages to the late 30s or early 40s when their ovarian reserves would have been diminished. It is worthy of note that about this time, systemic disorders such as hypertension and diabetes are prominent.

This could affect their chances of achieving conception. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise (due to busy work load), junk-eating, smoking and alcohol consumption (to relieve stress; work-related social gatherings) are commoner among career women and are contributory to cardiovascular problems which affect conception directly or indirectly.

The World Health Organisation described infertility as a disease. It is a misnomer, as child bearing is a fundamental right of every woman. Except where decisions are taken primarily not to pursue this God-given role (in certain cultures), child bearing is a delight and a fulfilment of a woman’s worth.

In some cultures and societies, childless women still suffer discrimination, stigma and ostracism. As such, a central difficulty associated with infertility is that it can transform from an acute, private distress into a harsh, public stigma with complex and devastating consequences.

A woman’s inability to have a child or to become pregnant can result in being isolated, disinherited or assaulted. This may result in divorce or physical and psychological violence. Stigmatisation is a major issue in sub- Saharan Africa where women are valued and more acceptable within the society when they are married and have given birth. They are seen as more responsible and capable of occupying certain men-designated roles (e.g. being part of boards of directors, the National Assembly, and getting other related political positions.

To be continued