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A woman who has had a child before might hazard a guess; while the one who is a first-time mom might base her expectations on all the tales she has heard from other moms.

Yet, apart from the fact that each birth is unique and may not necessarily follow the same pattern when having another baby, individual experiences are never the same, as many factors such as age, genetics, finance and the expectant mother’s health all combine to shape the experience each person would have during child delivery.

Physicians say a lot could be achieved when pregnant women know what to expect during labour, as it will enable them to cooperate with their health care providers, thus making delivery a lot easier for everyone concerned as a newborn is being ushered into the earth.

Attend antenatal clinics religiously

Consultant Gynaecologist, Dr. Mosunmola Emmanuel, says no pregnant woman should miss any of her antenatal schedules because it is the avenue to learn many things about the progress of the pregnancy, while it also affords the opportunity to relate or socialize with expectant mothers.

“More important, it provides the patient the opportunity to see her doctor and to discuss her concerns, if any.

“It is also on such visits that the progress of the pregnancy is measured; while the expectant mother also uses the occasion to obtain her necessary medications such as folic acid and multivitamins,” the physician says.

She notes that a good hospital will let a pregnant woman how labour works and what to expect, without necessarily inducing fear, especially among first-time mothers.

Your body

To start with, you need to know how your body prepares for the eventual delivery.

According to General Practitioner, Dr. Moye Pariola, by the middle of a pregnancy, the pregnant woman sometimes experiences contractions, which seems to prepare the body for the real thing when labour actually commences in the ninth month.

He says, “This is medically known as Braxton Hicks contractions. As the pregnancy nears an end, these contractions may become more intense such that a pregnant woman can even mistake them for the commencement of labour.

“However, the difference between actual labour and the Braxton Hicks contractions is that Braxton contractions are not regular, they don’t last very long and although they can feel strong they should not feel painful.”

Pariola counsels that if you’re worried that the tightening you’re feeling might be the start of labour, it is necessary to contact your midwife, birth centre or labour ward for advice.

Have a fair idea about breastfeeding

Many women think breastfeeding is a walk in the park and that there is nothing to learn about it!

However, experts say even though breastfeeding a baby is a natural process, it is never an easy one.

Experts at baby.com advise that before you go into labor, you should take a breastfeeding class.

You and your husband should decide whether you want to do exclusive breastfeeding, which is highly recommended for the first six months.

“Beyond this, however, is the problem of engorgement that many new mothers sometimes experience.

“When breast is engorged, it may be difficult for the baby to feed, while the mother will also experience pain when the milk doesn’t flow.

“We always advise new mothers to have breast pump, which can be used to pump out milk and relax the pressure, thus enabling for milk flow, to the relief of mother and baby,” Pariola suggests.

Remember your EDD!

Dr. Emmanuel says pregnant women should be mindful of their Expected Day of Delivery, which their physician would have communicated to them in the first trimester of their pregnancy.

“For most women, EDD is exact, while for some, it is plus or minus a few days. Once you work with your doctor, there is nothing to fear,” she assures.

On the D-Day!

Physicians say it is advisable to eat light meal as you prepare to check into the hospital.

“Since you could vomit while in labor, it’s a good idea to have small snacks instead and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

“What’s more, some hospitals may not allow you to eat once you check in; so, it’s a good idea to give your body the energy it needs for labour while you can,” they suggest.

Experts also counsel that you are emptying your bladder every couple of hours.

“You may lie down, or take a warm bath; just as you may ask your caregiver for pain reliever if the pain gets unbearable.

“What is important at this stage is to listen to your nurse’s instructions and to cooperate. Standing, walking, kneeling, slow dancing, sitting and squatting, variously combine to help move the baby down and out. Explore the options,” Emmanuel suggests.

The bottom line: Labour and childbirth are hard work, manage them effectively.


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From time to time, we don’t feel well. Sometimes the cause is obvious: It could be that we have caught a cold or the flu. The occasional ache or pain, a sore throat or a general sense of tiredness is normal and unavoidable. It’s a part of life.

But there are times – and signs – when your body tells you that now is the moment to pay attention, that something is seriously wrong and you need to see a doctor immediately.

Don’t be like 30-year-old Tola Olusanya, who thought nothing of his inability to ease his bowels regularly. The young handyman consoled himself that it was nature’s own way of sparing him the agony of visiting the filthy toilet that he shared with co-tenants.

Five years down the lane, Olusanya was diagnosed with end-stage cancer of the colon and the doctors described his case as a hopeless one.

However, the same doctors noted that if he had presented the case earlier at the hospital, his physician could have remedied the situation with a simple change in diet or, in a worst case scenario, a 15- minute colonoscopy surgery.

Many people on the streets look physically fit, but they are dying medically without realising it. It is frightening that such people are waiting to fall sick before they take matters that concern their health seriously.

Consultant family physician, Dr. Femi Omolola, says even when people see deadly symptoms, such as urine in their blood, they still wish it away.

Omolola argues that, in spite of what others say, every disease or ailment has a sign and the symptoms are the ways in which the body tries to alert you to deeper health challenges, which may manifest in future if nothing is done.

The physician says the difference between those who die or survive these diseases is action.

Omolola explains, “The body is like a magnificent machine. When things go awry, it generally doesn’t just shut down without warning. It is like an electric bulb, which becomes dim before it finally goes dark. The body sends us little signals and we must think of them as gentle biological taps on the shoulder that warn us that something is amiss.

“People must know that no death from a sickness is sudden. It started with a constant headache or fever. Ask any patient, they must have been a constant bleeding or pain. If we truly investigate any cause of sudden death, we will know that it started with a disease that was left untreated.”

If we want to live up to and beyond our prime, we must learn to decipher the body’s many codes. We should not just pop a pain reliever into our mouths and expect a constant headache to go away.

Believe it or not, most physical signs suggest that a health challenge is lurking in the dark. Don’t dismiss them. These symptoms may turn out to be nothing serious, but you won’t know that for sure without seeing a physician.

They may signal a serious disease or a looming threat to life. Below are symptoms that should not be ignored. They are red flags to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Chest pain might be heart failure

Don’t ignore the chest pain that suddenly hits you while at rest or during walking or exercising.

The sensation of squeezing, crushing or pressure on the chest could indicate many things – from “harmless” stress and indigestion to something as serious as an impending heart attack or angina. Angina is recurring chest pain that usually signals coronary artery disease.

Please seek emergency assistance if the chest pain lasts more than 15-20 minutes at rest or if it is accompanied by nausea, sweating, shortness of breath or loss of consciousness.

Unexplained weight loss could be diabetes

Losing weight without trying may sound like a dream come true. In reality, it can signal a health problem. If you’re not obese and you’ve lost more than 10 per cent of your body weight during the past six months, please consult your doctor.

An unexplained drop in weight could be caused by various conditions — including overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), diabetes, depression, liver disease, cancer or disorders that interfere with how your body absorbs nutrients (malabsorption disorders).

Persistent fever could be cancer

A fever isn’t necessarily a cause for alarm. Fever seems to play a key role in fighting infection. Persistent fever can signal a hidden infection, which could be anything from a urinary tract infection to tuberculosis. In some cases, cancerous (malignant) conditions — such as lymphoma — cause prolonged or persistent fevers.

Call your doctor if your temperature is 103 F (39.4 C) or higher and if you’ve had a fever for more than three days.

Shortness of breath could be pneumonia

Shortness of breath could signal an underlying health problem. Very strenuous exercise, extreme temperatures, massive obesity and high altitude can cause shortness of breath. Beyond these examples, shortness of breath is likely to be a sign of a medical problem. If you have unexplained shortness of breath, especially if it is severe and comes on suddenly, seek emergency medical care.

Causes for breathlessness might include asthma, pneumonia, a blood clot in the lung, as well as other heart and lung problems.