

The cleaner that comes to clean the compound where I live in  likes to start his day off with bread and fried bean cakes (called “akara” in Lagos) which he always munches with delight making me interested but I never ask him for some.  If he adds an orange to that, it would make good nutrition that is basic, easy, and cheap.

When one goes through the streets of Lagos, one may notice that most of the people are moderate in built and seemingly with stamina.  On low incomes, much of the Lagos populace making up the throngs in the streets thrives on tasty street foods such as steamed bean cakes “moinmoin” and corn pap, roasted corn and ube (African pear), rice and beans, beans and fried plantain, roasted plantain and peanuts,  fried yam and akara, Chinese noodles and eggs, as well as fruits: oranges, bananas, South African apples and pears, slices of paw-paw, pine apple, or water melon from wheelbarrow peddlers, garden eggs and nuts from the head-top trays of street hawkers, etc.  In fact in Lagos, you do not need to take a taxi to go and look for food.  Food is waiting for you everywhere.  Food comes to you or passes by you or you pass by it every other minute.  Lagosianslove nutrition.In fact, Lagosians love food so much that many of the foods have their names doubled for emphasis: do do, moinmoin, fufu, paw paw, dun dun, puff-puff, etc. or is it so that when you eat a little, you feel you ate double?  The power of economics!

Google describes nutrition simply as: “The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth” (https://www.google.com.ng/webhp?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&gws_rd=cr,ssl&ei=Re0VVpH9H8bwUq7HmPAG#q=nutrition+definition).

MedicineNet.com explains nutrition as: “The process of taking in food and using it for growth, metabolism, and repair. Nutritional stages are ingestion, digestion, absorption, transport, assimilation, and excretion (http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=4602).

TheWorld Health Organization (WHO) tells us: “Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs. Good nutrition  an adequate, well balanced diet combined with regular physical activity  is a cornerstone of good health. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity” (http://www.who.int/topics/nutrition/en/).

Nutrition is one of the major factors that determine how we live and what we become in life from the time we are born till the time we die. Our abilities to feel well, look well, function well, grow well, and stay well depend on nutrition to a large extent.

The WHO indicates that nutrition is important for “stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longevity.Healthy children learn better. People with adequate nutrition are more productive and can create opportunities to gradually break the cycles of poverty and hunger.Malnutrition, in every form, presents significant threats to human health. Today the world faces a double burden of malnutrition that includes both undernutrition and overweight, especially in developing countries.”

A healthy diet for the 21C city dweller might provide what our minds and bodies need to be strong and thrive, what our bodies need to be healthy, what our bodies need to survive, and what our bodies need to stay alive.  For many humans such as our teaming low-income Lagosians, some water, carbohydrate for energy, protein for body repairs and a fruit here and there provide adequate health.  These can be obtain from street combinations:  the casual roasted plantain and ground nuts, a cheap plate of rice and beans or fried plantain (“do do” and beans), a wrap of fried  yam (“dun dun”) and akara  all finished with a piece of fruit and some  water.  For the rocket scientist, the multitasking entrepreneur, the responsibility-laden manager, thegoal-driven politician, the meticulous surgeon, the sane pastor, etc., there may be need for a more comprehensive diet.In fact, food can put us at different levels of existence, life, and productivity.  In a sense, we can say that underdeveloped parts of the world are underdeveloped because they are underfed.  To be continued.

Dr. ‘Bola John is a biomedical scientist based in Nigeria and in the USA.   For any comments or questions on this column, please email bolajohnwritings@yahoo.com or call 08160944635