
Healing foods for sore throat

The following foods will help your body to fight off illnesses and that annoying sore throat.

Chicken Soup: An age-old remedy for fighting sore throats, a hot bowl of chicken soup beats antibiotics. Chicken soup has mild anti-inflammation properties and helps in relieving congestion by limiting the viruses that come in contact with mucus membranes. Make your chicken soup full of nutrient-rich carrots, onions, celery, turnips, sweet potatoes and garlic, all of which are known for their nutritional benefits and healing powers.

Bananas: A non-acidic fruit, banana is a soft fruit that is gentle on your throat. It is quite easy to swallow, especially when you have a sore throat. It is also rich in vitamins, B6, potassium, and vitamin C.

Lemon juice and honey mixture: Lime and honey mixture makes for an excellent throat-relieving alternative. A great remedy for inflamed throats, your sore throat will soon feel better as the inflammation reduces. This mixture will also cool down your aggravated throat apart from thinning any congestion.

Ginger, or honey tea: A hot cup of ginger or honey tea is a great way of aiding your throat to feel better. Sip tea when inhaling the steam from the cup, and it will aid in loosening congestion and tightness of the chest. Honey will coat the throat and will help in preventing irritation, which is the main reason behind coughing fits.

Oatmeal: High in soluble fibre, oatmeal helps in lowering ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol levels and is high in protein content too, which keep you content and satisfied for a longer period of time. Make a hot bowl of oatmeal by adding banana or honey and you will surely get enough soothing qualities for your sore throat.

Boiled carrots: Carrots are superb as remedy food when you’re sick, but they should be boiled or steamed before eating. This is because eating raw carrots can be risky for your sore throat and can further aggravate the pain.